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Kondwani Kamundi edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 9 revisions


AutoDMG is a tool that lets you create OS X images for deployment, born out of the need to replace InstaDMG. Just like InstaDMG it creates never booted asr images, helps you apply the latest software updates from Apple, and can be customized further with your own packages.


AutoDMG's requirements are:

  • OS X 10.9 or newer.
  • An OS X installer from the App Store, e.g. "Install OS X".
  • Additional packages need to be suitable for deployment.


It's important to know that while it's in theory possible to include any software package in an image, in practice few packages work if you do, and no effort will be made to support packages with special needs. Out of all the ways you can install packages, including them in an image is the least forgiving, therefore: less is more. You should only include the additional packages you absolutely need to have in the image, e.g. your admin account and management agent, no more. If at all possible, install packages in a DeployStudio workflow or with your management agent instead.

Building an Image

  1. Launch AutoDMG and drag and drop an installer onto the source box.


  1. AutoDMG will offer updates to apply. If they aren't already cached you can click the button to download them.


  1. Add any additional packages you want to include in the image.


  1. Click Build.


  1. AutoDMG will suggest a name for your image based on the current date and OS that you're installing. It also includes the correct file extension (.hfs.dmg) for DeployStudio.


  1. Authenticate with an admin account to start the build.


  1. AutoDMG will create a disk image, install OS X, and the additional packages. Even on a fast machine this takes at least 10-15 minutes.


  1. When the image is done, click Reveal to open it in the Finder.


  1. The image is now ready for deployment.


If Building Fails

Should anything go wrong, open the log window and look for clues. If you create a bug report, please save the log and copy a link to it in the report.
