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a logic and utility-focused Moonscript library, for LÖVE2D


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Lua MTLibrary

logic and utility-focused classes written in Moonscript [with bindings for LÖVE2D]



Module Contents


  • logic.
    • nop : function()
    • isCallable : function(val)
    • copy : function(val)
    • combine : function(t1, t2)
    • newArray : function(count, fillWith)
    • is : function(val, ofClass)
    • isAncestor : val, ofClass
    • are : function(tbl, ofClass)
    • areAncestors : function(tbl, ofClass)
    • Timer : class
      • new : function(duration, onComplete, loop)
      • update : function(dT)
      • restart : function()
      • isComplete : function()
    • List : class
      • contains : function(val[, atKey])
      • forEach : function(val[, atKey])
      • remove : function(val)
      • removeAt : function(idx)
      • flatten : function()
      • push : function(val[, toKey])
      • pop : function()
      • top : function()
  • math.
    • sigmoid : function(x)

      returns (1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)))

    • Dyad : class
      • new : function(x, y)

      2-float object, representing a position

      • lerp : function(t)

      returns the linear interpolation between x, y at t

    • Tetrad : class
      • new : function(x, y, vX, vY)

      4-float object, additionally representing velocity

      • impulse : function(angle, force)
      • update : function(deltaTime)
    • Hexad : class extends Tetrad

      6-float object, additionally representing rotation & rotational velocity

      • update : function(deltaTime)
    • Octad : class extends Hexad

      8-float object, additionally representing dimension & dimensional velocity

      • update : function(deltaTime)
    • Shape : class

      Abstract class for shapely facilities.

    • shapes.
      • Circle : class
      • Line : class
      • Rectangle : class
      • Polygon : class
    • random : function(tbl)
    • ifs.

      Iterable Function Systems

      • sin : function(x, y)
      • sphere : function(x, y)
      • swirl : function(x, y)
      • horseshoe : function(x, y)
      • polar : function(x, y)
      • handkerchief : function(x, y)
      • heart : function(x, y)
      • disc : function(x, y)
      • spiral : function(x, y)
      • hyperbolic : function(x, y)
      • diamond : function(x, y)
      • exponential : function(x, y)
      • julia : function(x, y)
      • bent : function(x, y)
      • waves : function(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)
      • fisheye : function(x, y)
      • eyefish : function(x, y)
      • popcorn : function(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)
      • power : function(x, y)
      • cosine : function(x, y)
      • rings : function(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)
      • fan : function(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)
      • blob : function(x, y, b)
      • pdj : function(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)
      • bubble : function(x, y)
      • cylinder : function(x, y)
      • perspective : function(x, y, angle, dist)
      • noise : function(x, y)
      • pie : function(x, y, slices, rot, thickness)
      • ngon : function(x, y, pow, sides, corners, circle)
      • curl : function(x, y, c1, c2)
      • rectangles : function(x, y, rX, rY)
      • tangent : function(x, y)
      • cross : function(x, y)
  • string.
    • split : function(delimiter)
    • serialize : function(object)

      Returns a table-style string representation of object In the case that object is not of type table, number or string, the object is converted to a string with tostring, and encased in parentheses, then returned. Examples: Serialize( {'foo': 'bar', bizz: {nil, nil, 5}} ) > '{foo: 'bar', bizz: {3: (5)}}' Serialize( {'foo': ()->, bizz: {nil, 5}} ) > '{foo: (function: 0x...), bizz: {2: 5}}'

if love is not nil, everything below is also included in the Module

  • graphics.

    • View : class
    • List : class extends View
    • Grid : class extends List
    • Element : class
    • Label : class extends Element
    • Button : class extends Element
    • Textbox : class extends Element
    • Picture : class extends Element
    • fit : function(Ratio)

      sets the LÖVE window size to a ratio of the current monitor's size returns the screen's size, and the window's size

    • getCenter : function()

      returns the X, and Y coordinates of the screen center

    Lots to do, still


a logic and utility-focused Moonscript library, for LÖVE2D





