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Hack2gether Portfolio

This is a Jekyll website for Hack2gether, one of the MLH Prep August'22 pods. It is based on the template designed for Prep Fellows.

Website Deployment

The website is deployed on Github Pages.


The website has been developed by us and have gained so many new and cool features like:

  • Light and Dark modes.
  • Displaying images, names, locations & social links for the pod members.
  • Profile pages to show more information about the pod members.
  • A scoring system for the contributions done by each member to the program's projects, and a ranking system.
  • A map showing the location of each of the pod member.
  • A section showcasing the projects made by the pod members.
  • A section for blogs.

There are also cool features behind the scenes for the website like:

  • Automatic build & deployment to Github Pages.
  • Automatic Image Compression.


If you want to test it locally or add some new features, run the below commands. Make sure to have Ruby and Bundler installed.

bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec jekyll serve