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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Something isn't working
can not reproduce
can not reproduce
Developers could not reproduce this bug/issue
changes FV
changes FV
Mark PRs that use converter and change FV with this label
community review
community review
Used by maintainers to mark issues that should get community reviews, tests, and feedback
Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue
good first issue
Good for new contributors to start working on
invalid: duplicate
invalid: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
invalid: support request
invalid: support request
Issue is support request and should be on MCreator's forums
Issue does not follow the tracker rules
more information needed
more information needed
The issue opener needs to provide more information
new feature
new feature
New feature or request
Opened by maintainers and only looking for bug-related feedback
on hold
on hold
Used to mark PRs that are blocked by another PR or not on the nearby roadmap
Stale issue
won't fix
won't fix
This will not be worked on as it is too complex, out of scope, or something else
works as designed
works as designed
The described problem behaves as it was designed to