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Collection of C libraries (uses gcc extensions and tested in mingw-w64) that together create a new C ecosystem.

Features include

  • A simple preconfigured setup of the library : newstd.h
    1. Binds allocating library functions to tralloc.
    2. Rebinds stringto.h functions to their main counterparts (ToI8, ToF32, ToChar, etc).
  • "Seedless" RNG for both windows(vista+ with -lbcrypt) and unix(uhh I tested it on onlinegdb and : randoming.h
    1. worse portable implementation using rand is available by defining RANDOMING_USE_RAND before including it.
    2. should be threadsafe, and rand implementation uses mutexes to ensure this.
  • Threading support for windows via winapi, unix via pthreads, and others via <threads.h> if available (better tested) : threading.h
  • millisecond sleep for windows and unix : sleep_for.h
  • Clearing console (not recommended, uses system, but it does work) support for windows and unix : clear_screen.h
  • simple optional type : option.h
    1. Best way to use it is to typedef it since option(int) != option(int) due to quirks of anonymous structs, but with typedef option(int) option_int, option_int == option_int.
  • size based types and special types (i8,i32,f64,flong,etc.) in addition to standard c types with macro properties in the form of i8_MAX, f32_MAX, flong_NMAX, etc. : mystd.h
  • a length-based string type with relevant functions (better tested now) : stringing.h
  • a bounded length-based string type that uses no heap allocation : ministr.h
  • Allocation system with runtime tracking that allows having managed scopes, and freeing of (and warning of on debug builds) memory leaks at program end : tralloc.h
    1. Thread safe by default, can be disabled by defining TRALLOC_NOTHREADSAFE before including
  • runtime checked and processed conversions to and from most types with a generic interface for base types : tochar.h, to8.h, to16.h, to32.h, to64.h, tof32.h, tof64.h, toflong.h, tostring.h, stringto.h
    1. I give no guarantees on the float conversions, I did my best but it's pretty confusing & I used an algorithm from user mch's answer on Stack Overflow that I only partially understand to compare floats with other floats.
    2. tostring.h may allocate new data and should be handled accordingly, although string_ToString does not.
    3. tostring.h can be used with tralloc via #define TRALLOC_REPLACE before include for additional safety and usage in managed scopes.
  • Generic printing via print, print_in, print_custom, print_in_custom, and println variants through generic ToString conversions.
    1. does not require TRALLOC_REPLACE'd tostring.h to be memory safe.
    2. bool is printed as "true" or "false".
    3. char*, string, and bool are basic cases that perform no allocation or copying in conversion.
  • Exception system for handling non-critical failure : exceptions.h
    1. Thread safe by default, can be disabled by defining EXCEPTIONS_NOTHREADSAFE before including
    2. uses a string for information and an integer code for matching in a Catch().
    3. unhandled exceptions will raise at either the end of the program or the first call to exit()

Was done for fun and to experiment with _Generic and manual runtime memory management.

Also I have no clue what I'm doing.