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LuxOS Tools Repository

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This repository contains scripts we built to operate and troubleshoot miners running LuxOS.

For an example how to use the luxos command line tool 👉 here.

For a quick example how to control miners using the luxos api 👉 here.

If you're developing a script, you might want to leverage the luxos cli package 👉 here.


To install the latest and greatest version:

   $> pip install -U luxos

To install a beta (see here for the complete list):

   $> pip install -U luxos==0.0.5b18

Finally you can install the latest bleeding edge code as:

   $> pip install git+

If you're new to a python venv, there are generic instructions venv.


Once installed you can verify the version and the commit the code is from using:

   $> python -c "import luxos; print(luxos.__version__, luxos.__hash__)"
   0.0.5 08cc733ce8aedf406856c8ad9ccbe44e78917a37


See files under the docs/folder.


This is a curated list of examples.

The LuxOS package - luxos

This package offers a convenient way to interact with LuxOS through a command-line interface (CLI) or as Python packages for more advanced integrations.

Usage (cli)

The luxos wheel package comes with a luxos comand line script:

This will reboot all miners in the miner.csv file list:

   $> luxos --ipfile miners.csv --cmd rebootdevice --timeout 2 --verbose
   (same as)
   $> python -m luxos --ipfile miners.csv --cmd rebootdevice --timeout 2 --verbose

There's an async version that can work better on multiple miners, just use the --async flag:

   $> luxos --ipfile miners.csv --cmd version --timeout 2 --async --all
   | {
   |   "STATUS": [
   |     {
   |       "Code": 22,
   |       "Description": "LUXminer 2024.5.1.155432-f2badc0f",

Usage (api)

You can use the python api to perform the commands instead the CLI.

This is way to get version data from a miner:

   >>> from luxos.api import execute_command
   >>> execute_command("", 4028, 2, "version", "", False)
   {'STATUS': [{'Code': 22, 'Description': 'LUXminer ...

Alternatively, you can use the module utils, where there are support functions for one-shot command execution:

   >>> import asyncio
   >>> from luxos import utils
   >>>"", 4028, "vesion"))
   {'STATUS': [{'Code': 22, 'Description': 'LUXminer ...

rexec has a nicer api and it takes care of formatting the parameters, the full signature is:

rexec(host="", port=4028, cmd="version", parameters="", timeout=2., retry=1, retry_delay=3.)

Where parameters can be a string a list of any type (it will be converted into a str) or a dictionary (same conversion to string will apply). timeout is the timeout for a call, retry is the number of try before giving up, and retry_delay controls the delay between retry.

The luxos.utils.lauch allows to rexec commands to a list of miners stored in a file:

   >>> import asyncio
   >>> from luxos import utils
   >>> async def task(host: str, port: int):                   # task must be a callable 
   ...   return await utils.rexec(host, port, "version")
   >>> addresses = utils.load_ips_from_csv("miners.csv")       # miners.csv contains a list of ip addresses, one per line
   >>>, task, batch=None))  # batched is a keyword argument to limit execution rate (if set to a positive int)
   [{'STATUS': [{'Code': 22, 'Description': 'LUXmin ....

   OR in one line:
   >>>, utils.rexec, "version", batch=None))

LuxOS HealthChecker -

The HealthChecker script is designed to continuously pull miner data from LuxOS, providing valuable insights into the health of your mining machines.

You can customize the HealthChecker params using the config.yaml file provided. To run the HealthChecker you can use health-checker if you installed using pip, or the cli python3 -m luxos.scripts.health_checker.

Feel free to explore and customize these tools to suit your specific needs. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

You can find LuxOS API documentation here.