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[WORK IN PROGRESS] Web Application helping to learn vocabulary through flashcards, matching or typing.

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Word Learning App

About the project

REST API created with Spring Boot and backed by SQL Server database. Enables creating, modifying, retrieving and deleting learning sets and learning set items. User authentication is performed using Json Web Tokens passed in Authorization header. Users have a specific role for each learning set; the role is checked at the service level.

Technologies used

  • Spring Boot 2.7.1
  • Spring Data JPA 2.7.1
  • Spring Security 5.7.2
  • SQL Server database (also with support for embedded H2 database)

Spring profiles

Starting the app without explicitly enabling any profiles will use the default configuration, that is, the app will try to establish connection to MSSQL database.

There are 3 additional profiles defined:

  • swagger - enables SwaggerUI
  • dev - prints SQL queries generated by Hibernate
  • h2 - uses embedded H2 database instead of MSSQL

To enable any of those profiles you can either:

  1. Set the value of SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environmental variable with a comma separated list of active profiles and then run the jar file. For example:

    export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=swagger,dev
    java -jar target/wordapp*.jar
  2. Run jar file with option For example:

    java -jar,swagger target/wordap*.jar

If starting the app with IntelliJ IDEA, you can specify active profiles by modifying run configuration.

.env file

For application to run you have to create a .env file and supply values for all variables listed in .env.example.

Description of required environment variables

Name Data type Description
DB_HOST string Used in database connection string. In most cases this will be set to localhost
DB_USERNAME string Database user
DB_PASSWORD string Password to connect to db
POPULATE_DB bool Flag indicating whether to execute data.sql when using database in container
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE string[] Set active profiles when running in container. See Spring profiles
JWT_SECRET string Secret value used for signing JWTs
JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME integer Specifies JWTs' validity (in seconds)


In order to read contents of public sets, users do not need any roles. However, to access contents of private sets or to perform any operation a specific role is required in this set. The roles with resulting authorities are listed in the following table:

Role Can read (applies only to private sets) Can propose changes Can edit and approve/reject changes Can manage roles
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Using SwaggerUI

If swagger profile was enabled, we can access SwaggerUI by navigating to localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html. In order to authenticate one needs to send a request to /login with valid credentials. If database was populated with sample data, passwords can be found in the comments in data.sql file. If database wasn't populated with data, one has to register first. After successful authentication there should be an authorization header, of the form
authorization: Bearer {TOKEN},
in the response. Copy the TOKEN and paste it into Available authorizations modal dialog that appears after clicking on green Authorize button. Swagger will then add appropriate header when accessing endpoints with closed black padlock (next to arrow pointing down). BE CAREFUL NOT COPY ANY TRAILING OR PRECEDING SPACES

Running MSSQL database with Docker/Podman

Note: Database may take up to 60s to start and create tables.

# build the image
podman build -t db ./database/

# start the container:
podman run -d -p 1433:1433 --env-file .env --name wordapp-db db
# stop container
podman stop wordapp-db

# remove container
podman container rm wordapp-db

Running the app with Docker/Podman

# build jar file
mvn clean package # if maven is installed

./mvnw clean package

# build the image
podman build -t app .
# start the container
podman run -d -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env --name wordapp app

If database is running in container use the following command:

podman run -d -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=swagger --name wordapp --network=host app
# stop the container
podman stop wordapp

# remove the container
podman container rm wordapp

Running using docker-compose

# build
podman-compose build

# start
podman-compose up -d
# stop
podman-compose down