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Chong Kai Xiong edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Project Status

14 Jan 2023

Posted by Chong Kai Xiong (descender)

Development has resumed after another long absence! Necromancer Sebastian resurrected the project and is leading the effort to get a third 0.4.x release out the door with some goodies from 0.5.0. On the bleeding edge, Kai Xiong continues the API rework for 0.5.0. Work is also being put into fixing long standing bugs and bringing the code up-to-date with contemporary versions of tool chains and libraries used by LV.

17 Jan 2013

Posted by Chong Kai Xiong (descender)

After some discussion, we've decided to merge cxx into master! Despite that the complete C++ conversion of LV core is still some way off, the code is far more stable and robust. It is ready for general use. Please don't mind the somewhat ad hoc mixture of C/C++ code in LV. As Core is entirely compiled in C++, you can write C++ without any worries. Do be careful, however, when hacking headers as they serve both C and C++ user code.

5 Jan 2013

Posted by Chong Kai Xiong (descender)

Libvisual (LV) development is ongoing. Although the new API is in a state of flux, it is much more stable than master. Use it instead of master. We've also recently added the new commandline tool lv-tool to run visualisations. Run lv-tool --help for help on how to run it.

As always, we're constantly in need of user contributions. Regardless of your interest in LV, let us know if you're using LV. We all need love and attention sometimes :) We can be reached directly at #libvisual on FreeNode (Web Chat) and on our issue tracker.

If you're a coder, please take a moment to read our Hacking Guide. If you're looking to use LV in your application, don't be afraid of the API changes and use cxx. We aim to provide as much support as we can to keep your code working.

Last but not least, we have a new website design here! Let us know what you think of the look.

Release History

Release Date
0.5.0 TBD
0.4.2 TBD
0.4.1 2022-12-06
0.4.0 2006-03-20
0.2.0 2005-02-08
0.1.7 2004-10-14
0.1.6 2004-09-08
0.1.5 2004-06-28
0.1.4 2004-06-16
0.1.3 2004-05-27
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