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Typescript types so good they’re magic!



Predicate Type Functions

A predicate type function is a type that takes at least three generics, where the final two generic types are called OnTrue and OnFalse. OnTrue will always default to Conditional.True, and OnFalse will always default to Conditional.False, meaning that they are not required. A predicate type function will always return Conditional.True or Conditional.False (i.e. Conditional.Any).

An example of this is the Inheritance.IsExtensionOf predicate type function, which takes two parameters ExtendedType, BaseType and returns whether ExtendedType extends BaseType:

export type IsExtensionOf<
  OnTrue = Conditional.True,
  OnFalse = Conditional.False
> = ExtendedType extends BaseType ? OnTrue : OnFalse;

// Not necessary to provide values for OnTrue and OnFalse
type WithDefaults = IsExtensionOf<1, number>; // Conditional.True

//Not necessary to provide values for OnFalse when providing a value for OnTrue
type WithDefaultOnTrue = IsExtensionOf<1, number, 2>; // 2

//Can provide any value for OnTrue and OnFalse
type ProvidingValues = IsExtensionOf<
  { result: "no" }
>; // "yes"

// Can nest predicate calls inside each other
type Nested = IsExtensionOf<
    "is a number, and a string",
    "is a number, not a string"
  "not a number, not a string"
>; // "is a number, not a string"

Getter Type Functions

A getter type function is a type that always takes at least two generic, where the final generic type is called Default. Default will always default to never, meaning that it is not required. A getter function will “get” some value, and if it cannot (for a variety of reasons), then it will return Default.

type Tuple__Head<T extends Tuple.Any, Default = never> = T extends [
  infer Head,
  ...infer _Tail
  ? Head
  : Default;

type Head = Tuple__Head<[1, 2, 3]>; // 1
// an empty tuple has no head
type HeadDefault = Tuple__Head<[], "SomeDefaultValue">; // "SomeDefaultValue"

export type Struct__Get<
  TStruct extends Struct.Any,
  Key extends Struct.KeysAllowed,
  Default = never
> = Key extends keyof TStruct ? TStruct[Key] : Default;

type Value = Struct__Get<
    { a: "aValue", b: "bValue" },
>; // "aValue"

type ValueDefault = Struct__Get<
    { a: "aValue", b: "bValue" },
>; // "SomeDefaultValue"