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Works on windows Read AIDA64 data and display it to a TFT screen


File > Preferences > External Applications

Check "Enable shared memory" Then check the values you want to send to the monitor


Compile the sketch for ESP32

I use the TFT_eSPI lib that must be configured as you need, Check "User_Setup.h"

I am using a Waveshare 320 x 240 tft display here and a LCD connected using SPI

The code will probably have to be adapted to your hardware, and the UI you wish yo have


Compile from "srcs" : g++ main.cpp aida.cpp serial.cpp -o esp_aida

And run .exe from cmd esp_aida.exe COM3 [debug=0/1]

Windows UI

You might be able to use the UI I made using QT. It's my first app so it might have some bugs..

Check in the releases

The program is configured to work with my arduino code, but you can modify the settings to your convenance

Serial ID is the identifier that will be send to the serial datas, which is a string formatted like :

CPUfan:650;CPUpower:40;CPUtemp:55;CPUuse:35; ..... ;RAMuse:8650;\n

Work in progress....