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Ink230 edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 12 revisions

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The wiki is a resource mainly for contributors, modders, and curious individuals. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

We recommend the Legend of Dragoon Community Site or Discord for other resources.

Severed Chains

Severed Chains is an open-source decompilation of Legend of Dragoon to run natively on modern devices with mod support.

Monoxide started the project in early 2021.


A broad range of topics, like openGL, MIPS, Java, game design, bug testing and more, is covered by the project.

We have a lovely community always willing to teach topics or aid in troubleshooting. To begin contributing we suggest hopping into Discord first.


Severed Chains features a mod API and has an internal modding SDK.

At this time, we are gathering feedback from modders on what they want to do and what they need to do it. If you are a future modder, share your ideas with us in the Discord's #modding chat.

Curious Individuals

The Legend of Dragoon community is larger than just Severed Chains.

Hop into the Discord to find other projects like upscaling, previous emulator-mods, fan-dub, and more!

Main Contributors

Active main contributors to the project with experience in the codebase, Legend of Dragoon, and are knowledgeable in most related technical topics.

Name Thrill Zone Expertise Other
🌟Monoxide Creator Knows everything Halo Gamer
🔍theflyingzamboni Generalist, Ghidra OpenGL, Scripts LoDModS, Upscale
🧰Zychronix Generalist, Mods Combat, Items, Mods DraMod, Upscale
🎨DooMMetaL Graphics PS1 File Formats, Graphics Tooling for TMDs
🎶Illeprih Audio Audio Dragoon-Modifier
🔨Ink Generalist, Mods Combat, Menus, Mods Irongoon, Rubber Duck
🎮Latch Generalist Input, Devices Insane PR guy
📃Icarus Scripts Patching Assembly Scripts C++ Enthusiast
Community Coordinator
🎪DrewUniverse 130+ Chrome Tabs Community Leadership, Archivist LoD Docs Maintainer

External Resources

Community Site (lots of links)