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Provides automated capture, analysis and categorization of Amazon Alexa interactions using machine learning.


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Echo Speech Analysis Toolkit (ESAT)

  • Author: Stefan Klapf
  • Developed for my Master Thesis at the FH-Joanneum in 2021.

Idea Overview

The Echo Speech Analysis toolkit was developed as part of my master's thesis. It allows a fully automated interaction with an Amazon Alexa System and interception of the resulting network traffic. In addition, the ESAT takes care of the training and classification of the gathered network data. From the captured network traffic, TCP features are extracted, which are used to train 9 different random forest models. The primary aim of the solution was to automate the capture and training process for the gathered network data.

Architecture Overview

Toolkit Feature Overview:

The toolkit is divided into several python applications:


Requirements for installing und using the ESAT:

  • Linux Operating System: The tool was developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Amazon Echo Dot Gen3 or Gen4


The tool was tested on Ubuntu 20.04. It requires a user with sudoer privileges to be run because it uses linux command line applications to capture network traffic from an interface.

Install the following linux package dependencies:

# sudo apt install python3              // Python 3
# sudo apt install python3-pip          // Pip3 packet manager
# sudo apt install wireshark-common     // Dumcap Tool
# sudo apt install tcptrace             // Tcptrace
# sudo apt install ffmpeg               // For playing audio

Run pip3 in the "./src/python/" directory to install the required python dependencies:

# sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Edit the esat-config.ini:

Enter the corresponding values for your setup in "EchoMACAddress" and "ETHInterface". Add the AWS keys if you intend to use the automatic generation of audio sample files.

EchoMACAddress = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
ETHInterface = enp6s0
CAPTURE_DIR = ./caps/
MODEL_DIR = ./model/
TRAINING_DATA_DIR = ./trainings_data/

Setup is done.

Using the tool

The general workflow of the tool consists of 3 steps:

  1. Capture data
  2. Train models based on the captured data
  3. Classify pcap files

Quick overview about the tool usage:

sudo python3 -file test-capture01  # capture a single alexa interaction and save it to the file test-capture01
sudo python3                  # Starts the automatic alexa interaction and capture process.
sudo python3 -file ./caps/test-capture01.pcap # Classify a single pcap file based on the trained models.
sudo python3                    # Generate additional reports the the gathered data

The following section describes the 3 parts of the toolset in more detail.

Capture Data

The capture process can be initiated in two ways. Individual network captures can be captured using the esat-capture-data tool. The following shows a snippet of the command line after starting the capture-data tool.

stefan@stefan-PowerEdge-T30:~/esat$ sudo python3 -file test-capture01
    ___________ ___  ______            ______            __
   / ____/ ___//   |/_  __/           / ____/___ _____  / /___  __________
  / __/  \__ \/ /| | / /    ______   / /   / __ `/ __ \/ __/ / / / ___/ _ \
 / /___ ___/ / ___ |/ /    /_____/  / /___/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_____//____/_/  |_/_/              \____/\__,_/ .___/\__/\__,_/_/   \___/

Echo Speech Analysis Toolkit - Capture, Version 1.0

  [-] Echo Mac Address: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  [-] Capture started on: 2021-08-25 22:51:58.911647
  [-] To stop the capture press 'CTRL+C'

Capturing on 'enp6s0'
File: ./caps/test-capture01_00001_20210825225158.pcap
Packets captured: 0
Packets received/dropped on interface 'enp6s0': 0/0 (pcap:0/dumpcap:0/flushed:0/ps_ifdrop:0) (0.0%)
Capture aborted!

To automatically initiate Alexa interactions over a loudspeaker and to capture the resulting network traffic, the esat-automatic-capture tool is used. This generates a total of 3 voice samples for each query defined in the voice_commands.csv. These samples are then played via a connected loudspeaker in order to start an Alexa interaction. The following shows a snippet of the command line after starting the automatic-capture tool.

[+] Generate voices finished!
Doing iteration [0 / 1]
[+] Starting automatic capture!
[*] Directory: 47
   Starting capture for file: ./trainings_data/47/47_multi_info_Vicki_wer_ist_der_hauptdarsteller_in_titanic.mp3 with duration: 21 sec

  [-] Capture started on: 2021-08-25 22:50:07.496417
Capturing on 'enp6s0'
File: ./trainings_data/47/47_multi_info_Vicki_wer_ist_der_hauptdarsteller_in_titanic_00001_20210825225007.pcap
Playing audio: ./trainings_data/47/47_multi_info_Vicki_wer_ist_der_hauptdarsteller_in_titanic.mp3

The capture process for both tools can be aborted with: CTRL+C

Train Model

After capturing the desired number of samples, the random forest model can be trained. In the course of this work, 9 different random forest models were generated. At the end of the training step, classifcation reports, confusion matrices are generated for each model and saved to the file system under "./reports/" In addition, during the training of the models, a classifcation report is output in the console.

Classification Report:
               precision    recall  f1-score   support

         fun       0.80      0.77      0.78       424
        info       0.85      0.93      0.89      1106
       music       1.00      1.00      1.00       289
        news       0.82      0.60      0.69       212
        time       0.82      0.83      0.83       228
     weather       0.82      0.77      0.79       503

    accuracy                           0.85      2762
   macro avg       0.85      0.82      0.83      2762
weighted avg       0.85      0.85      0.85      2762

Cross Validation: 0.64
Accuracy: 0.8490224475018103

Classify PCAP Files

To classify a single captured pcap file based on the previously trained models, it is simply passed via command line argument. At the end of the analysis, a table is printed that contains the results of the classification. In addition, a csv report is saved in the root directory of the esat. The following shows a snippet from the console for the classification of an single pcap file.

stefan@stefan-PowerEdge-T30:~/esat$ sudo python3 -file ./caps/info-lugner_00001_20210630105152.pcap
    ___________ ___  ______            ___                __
   / ____/ ___//   |/_  __/           /   |  ____  ____ _/ /_  ______  ___
  / __/  \__ \/ /| | / /    ______   / /| | / __ \/ __ `/ / / / /_  / / _ \
 / /___ ___/ / ___ |/ /    /_____/  / ___ |/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/  __/
/_____//____/_/  |_/_/             /_/  |_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/\__, / /___/\___/

Echo Speech Analysis Toolkit - Analyze Data, Version 1.0
Started analysis on: 2021-08-25 23:26:26.188691
Starting classification...
 [-] File:     './caps/info-lugner_00001_20210630105152.pcap'
 [-] Echo Mac: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
| File                                         |   ID All |   ID A Only |   ID B Only | Speaker All   | Speaker A Only   | Speaker B Only   | Category All   | Category A Only   | Category B Only   |
| ./caps/info-lugner_00001_20210630105152.pcap |       15 |          15 |          11 | Hans          | Hans             | Hans             | info           | weather           | info              |
Analysis of file is finished!

Analysis finished. Closing Program!
Finished analysis on: 2021-08-25 23:26:30.774590


Provides automated capture, analysis and categorization of Amazon Alexa interactions using machine learning.








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