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This is a web app that can be used to find study group on campus.

The application is implimented using Ruby on Rails

Heroku can be found here:

Work breakdown

  • Profiles/Users Registration - Jamie
  • Notes - Charlie
  • Groups - Ahmed
  • Buddies - Alireza
  • Payments - Kevin
  • Dashboard - All
  • Home - All
  • UI - All

Testing strategy

  • Manually tested each function the moment it is completed by observing if it is acting in the correct way (correct inputs, outputs, behaviour)
  • Continuous Testing - each time new features where implemented, multiple members would test in our own environments
  • Automated tests such would have been nice

Development Strategy

  • Behaviour-Driven Development
  • Created user stories of what we want to achieve, then figure out how to implement it technically

Easy, interesting and difficult features

What we found easy or interesting

  1. Gems provide lots of additional functionalities
  2. Seeding data was a quick way to breathe life into application
  3. MVC structure was a very neat way of organizing code and dividing responsibility

What we found difficult

  1. Integrating custom front end within the rails framework
  2. Dealing with attachments and other external files - especially in seeding

Steps to follow after cloning

  1. brew services start postgresql
  2. yarn install
  3. (if first clone) rails db:create
  4. rails db:migrate
  5. rails s

After your session you can run brew services stop Postgresql.

How to Test payment

When the Paypal login page showed up, sign in with the following account:
account: [email protected]
password: 12345678
this account don't use real money, so go wild


  1. rails db:drop
  2. rails db:create
  3. rails db:migrate
  4. rails db:seed

note that all users have the same password: "password" to see list of all users: open up terminal

  1. $ rails c
  2. $ User.all

Forgot Password

Unfortunately, because the sendgrid password and username where commited to the github repo, the sendgrid account has been suspended. Prior to this, the emails containing the password reset token were being sent and the user was able to reset their password if they forgot it. An image has been uploaded to the repo to demonstrate the working functionality.


Repo for ECE444 project: StudyBuddy for Group 1







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