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A Mini Program for Cats


Data Collection

  1. The data needs to be inputted into a table.
    1. The basic logic is that the program reads the data from the table.
    2. This project uses Tencent Doc, and a read-only example can be found at here.
  2. Once the data is inputted into the table, it can be exported as a .csv file.
  3. Copy the exported .csv file into the data folder.

Build the App

$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run data
$ pnpm run dev:weapp
$ pnpm run build:weapp


  • Use Wechat Devtools to deploy the mini program.

Plan for 2.0

  • Redesign UI/UX
  • Implement an Image Slider (support multiple images for each cat)
  • Add an Admin Management System (Allow user to edit data without accessing the database)
  • Create an Image Board (allow users to upload cat images)
  • Refactor the Backend with Flask in Python 3
  • Record feedings (upload an image for each checkpoint)


The conceptualization of this project was stimulated by the innovative work of the Stray Cats Caring Association at Peking University. In addition, certain elements of the UI design and features were influenced by their mini program.
