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An .NET6 sample code using Quartz.NET and Spectre.Console.


  • Self-hosted Scheduler to trigger a job automatically.
  • Console Interactive Mode to trigger a job manually.

Adding New Job and Trigger

I followed Andrew Lock's practice: Using Quartz.NET with ASP.NET Core and worker services and here is the quick guide to add a new Quartz Job and Trigger.

1. Create New Implementation of Quartz.IJob

Create a new class (e.q. NewDailyJob) to implement Quartz.IJob in "src/Quartz.Net.Sample/Jobs/".

2. Add New Job and Trigger

Open "src/Quartz.Net.Sample/Utils/Extensions/IServiceCollectionQuartzConfiguratorExtensions.cs", add your new Quartz.IJob implementation in UseQuartzJobs function like following:


3. Set the Cron Expression for the Job

Open "src/Quartz.Net.Sample/appsettings.jon" and add the new Job's cron schedule:

  "Quartz": {
    "Job": {
      "NewDailyJob": "0 0 0 ? * *"

See Cron Expression Generator & Explainer - Quartz.

How to Test Trigger

To test the trigger, mock the SystemTime.UtcNow like this:

SystemTime.UtcNow = () => new DateTime(2023, 08, 31, 02, 0, 0);

I put the mocking options in "appsettings.Development.json" and IServiceCollectionQuartzConfiguratorExtensions.UseQuartzJobs() shows how to mock the SystemTime.UtcNow.

(Optional) Publish Linux Executable

Run the command to publish the executable for Ubuntu:

dotnet publish -c release -r ubuntu.18.04-x64 --self-contained

The executable binary Quartz.Net.Sample will be located in "src/Quartz.Net.Sample/bin/Release/net6.0/ubuntu.16.04-x64/publish/".

Test the Executable by Docker

You can use Docker to run the executable.

docker run --name quartz-ubuntu -it ubuntu:18.04
docker start
cd "src/Quartz.Net.Sample/bin/Release/net6.0/ubuntu.16.04-x64/"
docker cp ./publish/ quartz-ubuntu:/tmp/
docker exec -it jb-ubuntu bash

While we're in the container, we can either run the executable by

  • /tmp/publish/Quartz.Net.Sample : start the self-hosted Quartz scheduler.
  • /tmp/publish/Quartz.Net.Sample -i : start the interactive mode.

Trouble Shooting

Error: Process terminated. Couldn't find a valid ICU package installed on the system. Please install libicu using your package manager and try again


Set the environment variable before running the executable. (See Runtime configuration options for globalization)


Error: No usable version of libssl was found



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