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Extra Target Event Info

Pheonix KageDesu edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

⚠️ Available since Build 1194
⚠️ Only for Alpha ABS Pro!

This feature allows you add to some extra information about any standard event when player hover them by mouse

How create extra information for some event

Open file 📁 data\AABS\ ExtraTargetInfos.json with any text editor

Copy and paste new block, set unique ID and change parameters what you want

Download default ExtraTargetInfos.json

How set created information for certain event

Add comment on event page: <ExtraInfo:ID>, where ID - extra information ID from ExtraTargetInfos.json

⚠️ If you change event page and not add comment <ExtraInfo:ID>, extra information is gone too ⚠️ You can set different extra information on each event page

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