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Defense Towers

Pheonix KageDesu edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

⚠️ Available since Build 1128

In simple words, will allow you create tower defense game type inside your game.


  • Base on standard Events (it's not ABS Enemy, you can't kill it or attack, but can just turn ON\ turn OFF)
  • To activate, just add a special comment to any event page (except ABS events)
  • To deactivate, just change tower event page to page without comment
  • Can use any ABS Skill types (except skill when you need select attack zone with mouse and skills requires ammo)
  • Supports skills with casting, noTarget skills, directionFix skills
  • Action based on Custom Route. You control when the tower will attack, using the event move route and a special script call. This allows you to create not only animation but also the movement of the tower before and after the attack
  • Can attack enemies, the player (and allies), or attack all

How create Defense Tower

Map Setup

Add <AADEFENSE> to map Note section

⚠️ Works only on ABS maps

Event Setup

  1. Add Comment to the event page <AADefenseEntity:X:Y:Z>


  • X - ABS Skill ID
    Supported 0,1,2,3 ABS skill types
    ⚠️ Don't supported Area Select skill, The User scope skills and skills required ammunition
    ⚠️ The tower view radius - is the skill range

  • Y - Enemy ID from database
    Enemy uses only for skill requirements, like consume MP or calculate some parameters in skill damage formula
    This allows you to set a limited number of attacks (MP), or adjust Tower attack power
    ⚠️ Defense Tower don't uses ABS parameters from Enemy

  • Z - Tower attack scope ( 0 - against player, 1 - against monsters, 2 - against all)

  1. Set Antonomous Movement to Custom

⚠️ Works only on Non-ABS event (events without ABS Note)

⚠️ Defense Tower is active only on page, when comment exists

For deactivate, just change page to another, where comment AADefenseEntity don't exists

Event Custom Route

For skill activation, Tower uses special Script Call: towerAction

Route rules

⚠️ All route commands before towerAction starts as Tower saw target
Even if the skill is ready, the attack will not start again until the route is completed
After route is complete (end), it's always repeated again

Demo project: {LINK}