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DevOps All Projects Lists with Descriptions.

1) Java Application using Gradle

Gradle is a well-known build automation tool that works across a variety of platforms and languages. This project includes establishing a Java application and breaking it down into subprojects in order to modularize it.

After completing this project, you will know how to initialize a project as a Java application, run the build and build its test report. You will learn the way to execute a Java application and build it in an archive.


2) WebServer using Docker

Docker is a popular container technology for hosting services and applications that virtualizes operating systems and builds lightweight containers. You will create a default base image for this project that other developers can use in their production environments. This project offers the framework for web app images in Python, Ruby, and Meteor.

On successful completion of this project, you will be able to reduce the size of the Dockerfile and shorten the time it takes to write a Dockerfile. Also, you will learn to correctly set up the base system and reduce the amount of time it takes to run the docker build and the download time.


3) CI/CD Pipeline using Azure

You’ll use Azure DevOps Project to set up continuous delivery (CD) and continuous integration (CI) pipelines in this project. You may get started by using the provided code. The purpose is to quickly deploy an app to a variety of Azure services, including App Service, Virtual Machines, and Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).

In this project, you’ll use Azure’s DevOps Starter feature to establish an ASP.NET sample code, explore the CI/CD pipelines configured by DevOps Starter, commit code changes and run CI/CD, and configure Azure Application Insights monitoring.


4) Jenkins Remoting Project

Jenkins Remoting is a library and archive for creating a communication layer. TCP protocols, data streaming, procedure calls, and other features are all included.

In this project, you will have to improve Jenkins Remoting, a communication layer implementation library. Jenkins Remoting can be made compatible with a bus technology like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. You’ll need knowledge of networking fundamentals, Java, and message queues to execute the task.


5) CD Pipeline using AWS

You will develop a continuous delivery pipeline for a small web application in this project. To store your source code, you’ll first use a version control system.

Then you’ll learn how to set up a continuous delivery pipeline that will deploy your web application automatically anytime your source code is updated. This project uses GitHub, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodePipeline.


Best DevOps Projects for Advanced

6) Deploying a Containerized Web Application

This project demonstrates how to package a web application as a Docker container image and run it on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. The web application is then deployed as a load-balanced collection of replicas that can scale to meet the demands of your users.

This project will help you in learning of how to package a sample web application into a Docker image, upload the Docker image to Artifact Registry, create a GKE cluster and deploy it to the cluster, manage autoscaling for deployment, expose the app to the internet and deploying a new version of it.


7) Building Version Control System

You can use a Version Control System to keep track of your code, inspect multiple versions of it, switch between them, maintain different versions of it, and share it with other programmers.

You will start with the basics and save code in our version control system. You will have to take a long way to set up a repository in order to do so. From there, you will figure out how to navigate through history. Then you will figure out how to handle branching, which is deceptively difficult in and of itself. You’ll be ready for Git once you’ve finished branching.


8) Deploying Application Using Kubernetes

In this project, you are going to use a simple web service that parses user messages and adds your message to a Redis Server. It is similar to a voicemail where the users can leave messages.

This project needs to run the application on Kubernetes, hence dockerizing is the primary step in this project. Hence, you will learn how to enable the application to run in docker containers.


9) Structuring a Terraform Project

In order to ensure its maintainability and extensibility in day-to-day operations, Terraform projects must be properly structured according to their use cases and perceived complexity.

This project will teach you how to organize Terraform projects based on their general purpose and complexity. Then, using the more popular Terraform features such as variables, localities, data sources, and provisioners, you’ll design a project with a simple structure. In the end, your project will use DigitalOcean to deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 server (Droplet), install an Apache web server, and point your domain to it.


10) Building and Executing Selenium Project

Test automation requires the creation and execution of Selenium projects. It facilitates the execution of tests, the analysis of reports, and the reporting of bugs.

Needless to say, this aids in the faster delivery of high-quality products to clients, making them happier. You will be able to demonstrate how to develop a Selenium project employing both a “Java Project” and a “Maven Project” after completing this project.


11) Build A Simple Web Server With Golang

Build A Simple Web Server using Golang

Install Go: Download and install Go from the official Go website ( according to your operating system's instructions.

Create a new directory: Set up a new directory for your Go project.

Initialize a Go module: In the terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory and run the command go mod init your-module-name to initialize a Go module. Replace "your-module-name" with the desired name for your module.

Import required packages: Import the necessary packages in your Go code. You'll need the "fmt," "log," and "net/http" packages.


12) Build A CRUD API With Golang


13) Golang With MySQL Book Management System


14) Simple SlackBot To Calculate Age


15) Golang Slackbot for File Uploading


16) Email Verifier Tool With Golang


17) AWS Lambda With Golang


18) CRM with Golang Fiber


19) HRMS with Golang Fiber


20) Complete Serverless Stack


21) A.I Bot with Wolfram, and golang


22) Production Ready CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, etc


23) CI/CD setup pre-requisites for Simple pipeline


24) How to upload code onto GitHub repository | How to push code from local repo to remote repo


25) How to Create AWS Free Account


26) Create Linux EC2 instance | AWS EC2 instance | Linux Server


27) How to Login to EC2 instance Using without conversion Key with MobaXterm


28) Jenkins Installation & Configuration on AWS EC2 instance | Jenkins Installation on AWS EC2


29) Installing & Configure Maven on AWS EC2 instance | Maven setup & configuration on Jenkins


30) Mini DevOps - Configure Global Jenkins Server Security | Securing Jenkins Server


31) Setup & configure Tomcat on EC2 instance | Tomcat server setup


32) Simple DevOps Project-1 | Simple DevOps project for CI/CD | CI/CD through Jenkins


33) Simple DevOps Project-2 | CI/CD pipeline using GIT, Jenkins & Ansible


34) Simple DevOps Project-3 | DevOps project with Git, Jenkins and Docker on AWS | CICD on containers


35) Simple DevOps Project-4 - Part-01 | How To Create a Docker Image Using Jenkins And Ansible


36) Simple DevOps Project-4 - Part 02 | Create a DevOps project using Git, Jenkins, Ansible, and Docker


37) Simple DevOps Project-4 - Part 03 | Enable versioning on docker images through jenkins job


38) Deploy on Kubernetes Using Git, Jenkins, Ansible | Simple DevOps Project -5


39) DevOps Project - CI/CD Pipeline using Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, and Kubernetes on AWS


40) DevOps Real-Time Projects Intro and Prerequisites


41) DevOps Real-Time Project 01 - Multi Tier Web Application Setup


42) DevOps Project - 2, Automated Setup of Multi-Tier App, Locally


43) DevOps Project - 3 Web App Setup on AWS Cloud [Lift & Shift]


44) DevOps Real-time Project - 4, Re-Architecture Web App on AWS Cloud -Introduction


45) DevOps Real-time Project -5 Continuous Integration Using Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube & Slack


46) DevOps Real-time Project 6 - Continuous Integration on AWS Cloud - Introduction


47) DevOps Real-time Project 7 - Jenkins Pipeline As A Code Project


48) DevOps Real-time Project 8 - Continuous Delivery of Java Web Application


49) DevOps Real-time Project 9 - Continuous Delivery on AWS Cloud Java Application - Introduction


50) DevOps Real-time Project 10 - Cloud Automation With Ansible


51) DevOps Real-time Project 11 A - Ansible for Complete Stack Setup - (Second Phase)


52) DevOps Real-time Project 11 B - Ansible for Complete Stack Setup Converted (Third Phase)


53) DevOps Real-time Project 12 - Continuous Delivery And Configuration Management [Jenkins + Ansible]


54) DevOps Real-time Project 13 Hybrid Continuous Delivery [Cloud plus CI]


55) DevOps Real-time Project 14 - Containerization of Java project


56) DevOps Real-time Project 15 - Kubernetes Setup for Productions


57) DevOps Real-time Project 16 - Java App Deployment on Kubernetes Cluster


58) DevOps Real-time Project 17 A - Terraform Tutorials Converted (Terraform IntroAndExercise1)


59) DevOps Real-time Project 17 B - Terraform for Cloud State Management Converted


60) DevOps Real-time Project 18 A - Cloud Formation


61) DevOps Real-time Project 18 B - Introduction to CloudFormation for Cloud Stack Setup


62) DevOps Real-time project 19 - CI/CD For Containers


63) DevOps Real-time Project 20 - AWS Securities


DevOps Project Lists:-