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A fluent carousel by pure react + ts



name type default value description
width string | number "auto" carousel width, support vw, px, %
height string | number "auto" carousel height, support vw, px, %
pauseDuration number 2000 pause time for autoplay
unit: ms
slideDuration number 1000 the duration of the sliding animation
unit: ms
direction 1 | -1 1 slide order
1: increment by child element subscript
-1: reverse
pauseOnHover boolean true pause autoplay when mouse hover
autoPlay boolean true autoplay
tweenAnime "linear" |
"ease" |
"ease-in" |
"ease-out" |
"ease-in-out" |
"bounce" |
"ease" item slide tween animation, you can set custom animation functions
navButton boolean true enable navigator button
navButtonOrientation "horizontal" | "vertical" "horizontal" navigator button orientation
dots boolean true enable dots
dotsColor string "#ffffff" dots color
dotsActivedColor string "#1677ff" actived dot color
dotsLocation "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" "bottom" dots location
draggable boolean true enable mouse drag to slide
dragThreshold number 150 threshold for slide distanse
uint: px
orientation "horizontal" | "vertical" "horizontal" slide orientation
onItemClick function(item) null callback when item clicked