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Type: Plugin

Creates a secondary canvas to render Three JS objects. It provides basic settings for Ambient Light and Fog.

NOTE: This plugin is needed by the other simplethree_* plugins to work.


Name Type Description Options
Three-dimensional Canvas Options
Canvas Order combo Put the 3D canvas in front or behind the 2D canvas. Default value: 3D In Front - 3D In Front
- 3D Behind
Canvas Sizing combo Automatically keep the 3D canvas size to be the same as the 2D canvas or use the object's size as set in the layout. Default value: In sync with Screen - In sync with Screen
- Use Object Size
Canvas Positioning combo Keep the 3D canvas at the top-left or use the object's position. Default value: Top-Left - Top-Left
- Use Object Position
Hotspot combo Choose the location of the hot spot in the object. Default value: Top-left - Top-left
- Top
- Top-right
- Left
- Center
- Right
- Bottom-left
- Bottom
- Bottom-right
Pixels Per 3D Unit integer Number of 2D pixels per 3D unit, used for 2D to 3D distances translation Default value: 32
Ambient Light Options
Ambient light Color color Ambient light color in RGB format Default value: ffffff
Ambient light Intensity float How bright is the light Default value: 1.5
Fog Type combo Type of the scene Fog. Default value: None - None
- Linear
- Exponential Squared
Fog Color color Color of the Fog. Default value: ffffff
Fog Density (Exponential Squared Fog Only) float Defines how fast the fog will grow dense. Default value: 0.06
Fog Near (Linear Fog Only) float The minimum distance to start applying fog. Objects that are less than 'near' units from the active camera won't be affected by fog. Default value: 3.2
Fog Far (Linear Fog Only) float The maximum distance at which fog stops being calculated and applied. Objects that are more than 'far' units away from the active camera won't be affected by fog. Default value: 300
Scene Background Color color Color of the Scene's background. Default value: 0



Name Description Parameters
Canvas 3D
Set Canvas Order Put the 3D canvas in front or behind the 2D canvas. - Canvas Order combo: If the 3D canvas will be in front or behind the 2D canvas. Options: (3D In Front, 3D Behind)
Set Canvas Sizing Automatically keep the 3D canvas size to be the same as the 2D canvas or use the object's size as set in the layout. - Canvas Sizing combo: The canvas size behavior. Options: (In sync with Screen, Use Object Size)
Set Canvas Positioning Keep the 3D canvas at the top-left or use the object's position. - Canvas Positioning combo: The canvas position behavior. Options: (Top-Left, Use Object Position)
Set Pixels Per 3D Unit Set the Number of 2D pixels per 3D unit, used for 2D to 3D distances translation. - Pixels Per 3D Unit number = 32: Number of 2D pixels per 3D unit
Ambient Light
Set The Ambient light Color Set the Ambient light Color. - Ambient light Color string = "#ffffff": Ambient light color in CSS-style string
Set The Ambient Light Intensity Set How bright is the ambient light. - Ambient light Intensity number = 1.5: How bright is the ambient light
Set The Ambient light Color From Number Set the Ambient light Color. - Ambient light Color string = rgb(255, 255, 255): Ambient light color From Number
Set Fog Type Set The Fog Type. - Fog Type combo: The Type of Fog, use None to have no fog at all. Options: (None, Linear, Exponential Squared)
Set Fog Color Set The Fog Color. - Fog Color string = "#ffffff": Fog color in CSS-style string
Set Density Defines how fast the fog will grow dense. Only applies on Exponential Squared Fog - Fog Density number = 0.06: How fast the fog will grow dense.
Set Fog Near Set The Fog Near Distance. Only applies for Linear Fog. - Fog Near Distance number = 3.2: Distance in 2D units.
Set Fog Far Set The Fog Far Distance. Only applies for Linear Fog. - Fog Far Distance number = 300: Distance in 2D units.
Set Fog Color From Number Set The Fog Color. - Fog Color number = rgb(255, 255, 255): Fog color From Number
Set Scene Background Color Set The Scene Background Color. - Scene Background Color string = "#ffffff": Color in CSS-style string
Set Scene Background Color From Number Set The Scene Background Color. - Scene Background Color number = 16777215: Color using a number


Name Type Description Parameters
Canvas 3D
Canvas Order
Usage: SimpleThree.CanvasOrder
number The 3D canvas in front or behind the 2D canvas. 0=3D In Front, 1=3D Behind
Canvas Sizing
Usage: SimpleThree.CanvasSizing
number Automatically keep the 3D canvas size to be the same as the 2D canvas or use the object's size as set in the layout. 0=In sync with Screen, 1=Use Object Size
Canvas Positioning
Usage: SimpleThree.CanvasPositioning
number Keep the 3D canvas at the top-left or use the object's position. 0=Top-Left, 1=Use Object Position
Hotspot X
Usage: SimpleThree.HotspotX
number The location of the hot spot in the object.
Hotspot Y
Usage: SimpleThree.HotspotY
number The location of the hot spot in the object.
Pixels Per 3D Unit
Usage: SimpleThree.PixelsPer3DUnit
number Number of 2D pixels per 3D unit, used for 2D to 3D distances translation
Ambient Light
Ambient light Color
Usage: SimpleThree.AmbientLightColor
number Ambient light color in RGB format
Ambient light Intensity
Usage: SimpleThree.AmbientLightIntensity
number How bright is the light
Fog Type
Usage: SimpleThree.FogType
number The Fog Type.
Fog Color
Usage: SimpleThree.FogColor
number The Fog Color.
Usage: SimpleThree.FogDensity
number How fast the fog will grow dense. Only applies on Exponential Squared Fog
Fog Near
Usage: SimpleThree.FogNear
number The Fog Near Distance. Only applies for Linear Fog.
Fog Far
Usage: SimpleThree.FogFar
number The Fog Far Distance. Only applies for Linear Fog.
Scene Background Color
Usage: SimpleThree.SceneBackgroundColor
number The Scene Background Color.