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Cura is a health emergency alert for seniors we care for. The portable device detects the wearer’s health emergency issue and sends an SMS alert to the wearer’s emergency contact.

Cura now supports fall and arrhythmia detection. The wearer can also press the emergency button on the device to trigger the alert.

The project is the winner of World Wide Wellness track and Best Online Demo in LA Hack 2022.

Built With

  • Arduino
  • C++
  • Twilio

The hardware components include Arduino uno, MPU6050 accelerator, Comimark pulse sensor, ESP-8266 12-e Wifi module and 3.7V LiPo battery.



Demo video

Why Cura benefits the seniors

More than 54 million adults ages 65 and older live in the United States today, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, accounting for about 16.5% of the nation's population.

According to CDC, about 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year, resulting in 3 million emergency department treatments and more than 32,000 deaths.

According to the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 70% of older adults have hypertension. The prevalence and severity of hypertension are both expected to raise as age increases. Hypertension may cause stroke, heart failure, and even sudden death. Regular physical activity can reduce rate of hypertension.

A research by BMC Emergency Medicine suggests that 60 minutes after a traumatic injury is the greatest chance of survival, if given medical attention.


A health emergency alert watch for seniors







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