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LCD add-on for CraftBeerPi 3

With this add-on you can display your Brewing steps temperatures on a 20x4 i2c LCD Display. In addition you can display the target-temperature and current-temperature of each fermenter. This addon only works with I2C connected LCD Displays.



Display PI
SDA Pin 3 GPIO02(SDA1)
SCL Pin 5 GPIO03(SDL1)
VCC Pin 2 Power 5V

I2C Configuration:

Ensure to activate the I2C connection in Raspi configuration.

Software installation:

Download and install this plugin via the CraftBeerPi user interface. It is called LCDDisplay.

A reboot is necessary.


At least configure your i2c address in the parameters menu. Have a look at this documentation.

There are different modes:

Default display

If no brewing process is running the LCD Display will show

  • CraftBeerPi-Version
  • Brewery-name
  • Current IP adress
  • Current date/time

Multidisplay mode

  • The script will loop through your kettles and display the target and current temperature.
  • If heater is on, a beerglas symbol will appear in the first row on the right side (not flashing).
  • When target-temperature is reached it displays the remaining time of the step (rest) too.
  • If the current step is the CBPi build-in Boilstep (not a addon Boilstep) the remaining time to next hop addition will be displayed. The step needs to be called "Boil" which is default.

Single mode

  • Only displays one kettle but reacts a little bit faster on temperature changes.
  • It displays the remaining time of the step (rest) when target temperature is reached.
  • When the heater is "on" a small beerglas is flashing on/off in the first row on the right side.
  • If the current step is the CBPi build-in Boilstep (not a addon Boilstep) the remaining time to next hop addition will be displayed. The step needs to be called "Boil" which is default.

Sensor mode

  • Only displays the values and names of the sensortype.
  • E.g. a iSpindel sensor can display temperature, gravity, battery etc. These values with corresponding sensorname is shown.
  • The sensortype to be displayed is changed in parameter section.
  • If there is a missing sensor like from a future addon it can be added by typing in the code of function "set_sensortype_for_sensor_mode" in the file.

Fermenter mode

  • Pretty much the same as multidisplay for all fermenter.
  • Starts automatically if there is no Brewstep running and a active fermenterstep
  • Displays the brew-name, fermenter-name, target-temperature, current-temperature of each fermenter.
  • If the heater or cooler of the fermenter is on it will show a symbol. A beerglas detects heater is on, * means cooler in on.
  • The remaining time for each fermenter is shown like in weeks, days, hours.
  • Fermenter mode starts when a fermenter-step of any of the fermenter is starting and no brewing step is running(most likely)
  • if there is a iSpindel sensor the Gravity is displayed at the corresponding fermenter.


There are several parameter to change in the CBPi-parameter menu:

This is the address of the LCD module. You can detect it by using the following command in the commandbox of the Raspi:

  • sudo i2cdetect -y 1 or
  • sudo i2cdetect -y 0.

Default is 0x27.

Changes value between A00 and A02. This is a character map build in by factory into the LCD. Most likely you get a LCD with A00 when you by it in China. A00 has got most of the European letters and a lot of Asia letters. For germans the ÄÖÜß is missing in A00. In A02 there are more European letters incl. ÄÖÜß. Therefore the addon distinguish between the charmaps. In case A00 it substitutes ÄÜÖß with custom made symbols which represent these letters. In case A02 the addon skips substitution. If you notice strange letters try to change this parameter. Default is "A00".

Changes between the 3 modes. Default is Multidisplay:

  • Multidisplay
  • Singledisplay
  • Sensordisplay

Changes between sensortype (is like family of same sensors) which will be displayed in the sensormode (sensordisplay). Default is ONE_WIRE_SENSOR.

In Multidisplay mode this is the time to wait until switching to next displayed kettle. Default is 3 sec.

Here you can change the kettle to be displayed in single mode. The number is the same as row number of kettles starting with 1. Default is kettle 1 (probably the first kettle which was defined in hardware).


  • Changing a LCD_xxxx parameter in the parameters menu or any file in LCDDisplay folder usually requires a reboot.

  • Whether you need a reboot have a look in the comments of the parameters.

  • A new fermenter should have a target temperature and at least one step defined.

  • It maybe necessary to restart craftbeerpi after adding a new fermenter.

  • If the LCD address (eg. 0x27) is right but you still can not see letters displayed:

    • try to adjust contrast by the screw on the back of the LCD Hardware (I2C Module)
    • be sure to provide the LCD hardware with the right amount of voltage (mostly 5V or 3.3V)
    • use a strong power-supply. If you notice LCD fading a bit there is a lack of current.
    • use proper connections. Soldering the wires is best for connection. Bad connection can also result in fading the LCD.

Known Problems

The LCD hardware does not like temperature below 0°C (32°F). It becomes slow and can be damaged like brightness is no more homogenous throughout the hole LCD area.

Does not work with stretch: if you start a step LCD will stop running.


Questions can be posed in the Craftbeerpi user group in Facebook or in the repository.

Fixed Issues

  • Now the °C or F is displayed like in CBPi parameters
  • If there is a missing Kettle or Fermenter no more faults are thrown.
  • Sometimes it lasts a long time till the fermenterstep starts running.
  • When CBPi3 Mesh Steps are active and you restart CBPi3 the display will show nothing. It will at least show the startscreen. Stop and restart the Mesh steps is still necessary tho show active step.
  • Not displaying ÄÜÖß
  • Randomly displaying courser-mode