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Getting started

The client library is in beta and is subject to change. Use of this library in production applications is not supported.


It is suggested to use vgo modules (since Go 1.11) in your project for dependency management:

In any directory outside of GOPATH:

$ go mod init <your-module-path>

<your-module-path> can be paths like

$ go get

This downloads the latest version of iota.go and writes the used version into the go.mod file (vgo is go get agnostic). Make sure to include /api part in the url.

Connecting to the network

package main

import (
    . ""

var endpoint = "<node-url>"

func main() {
	// compose a new API instance
	api, err := ComposeAPI(HTTPClientSettings{URI: endpoint})
	nodeInfo, err := api.GetNodeInfo()
	fmt.Println("latest milestone index:", nodeInfo.LatestMilestoneIndex)

func must(err error) {
	if err != nil {

Creating & broadcasting transactions

Publish transfers by calling PrepareTransfers() and piping the prepared bundle to SendTrytes().

package main

import (
	. ""
	. ""

var endpoint = "<node-url>"

// must be 81 trytes long and truly random
var seed = trinary.Trytes("AAAA....")

// difficulty of the proof of work required to attach a transaction on the tangle
const mwm = 14

// how many milestones back to start the random walk from
const depth = 3

// can be 90 trytes long (with checksum)
const recipientAddress = "BBBB....."

func main() {

	// get the best available PoW implementation
	_, proofOfWorkFunc := pow.GetFastestProofOfWorkImpl()

	// create a new API instance
	api, err := ComposeAPI(HTTPClientSettings{
		URI: endpoint,
		// (!) if no PoWFunc is supplied, then the connected node is requested to do PoW for us
		// via the AttachToTangle() API call.
		LocalProofOfWorkFunc: proofOfWorkFunc,

	// create a transfer to the given recipient address
	// optionally define a message and tag
	transfers := bundle.Transfers{
			Address: recipientAddress,
			Value:   80,

	// create inputs for the transfer
	inputs := []Input{
			Address:  "CCCCC....",
			Security: SecurityLevelMedium,
			KeyIndex: 0,
			Balance:  100,

	// create an address for the remainder.
	// in this case we will have 20 iotas as the remainder, since we spend 100 from our input
	// address and only send 80 to the recipient.
	remainderAddress, err := address.GenerateAddress(seed, 1, SecurityLevelMedium)

	// we don't need to set the security level or timestamp in the options because we supply
	// the input and remainder addresses.
	prepTransferOpts := PrepareTransfersOptions{Inputs: inputs, RemainderAddress: &remainderAddress}

	// prepare the transfer by creating a bundle with the given transfers and inputs.
	// the result are trytes ready for PoW.
	trytes, err := api.PrepareTransfers(seed, transfers, prepTransferOpts)

	// you can decrease your chance of sending to a spent address by checking the address before
	// broadcasting your bundle.
	spent, err := api.WereAddressesSpentFrom(transfers[0].Address)

	if spent[0] {
		fmt.Println("recipient address is spent from, aborting transfer")

	// at this point the bundle trytes are signed.
	// now we need to:
	// 1. select two tips
	// 2. do proof-of-work
	// 3. broadcast the bundle
	// 4. store the bundle
	// SendTrytes() conveniently does the steps above for us.
	bndl, err := api.SendTrytes(trytes, depth, mwm)

	fmt.Println("broadcasted bundle with tail tx hash: ", bundle.TailTransactionHash(bndl))

func must(err error) {
	if err != nil {

Native code and PoW

If the library is compiled with CGO enabled, certain functions such as Curl's transform() will run native C code for increased speed.

Certain PoW implementations are enabled if the correct flags are passed while compiling your program:

  • pow_avx for AVX based PoW
  • pow_sse for SSE based PoW
  • pow_c128 for C int128 based using PoW
  • pow_arm_c128 for ARM64 int128 C based PoW
  • pow_c for C based PoW

PoW implementation in Go is always available. Make sure to define LocalProofOfWorkFunc in your provider settings (i.e. HTTPClientSettings) if you want to use local PoW.


We thank everyone for their contributions. In order for your pull requests to get accepted, they must fulfill following criterias:

  • You must write tests for your additions with ginkgo.
  • You must write example code describing the parameters and functionality of your additions.
  • The pull request must pass the CI config.

Writing tests with ginkgo

First install ginkgo:

$ go get
$ go get

If you have written a new package, you can generate corresponding test suite files via:

$ cd <dir-of-your-package>
$ ginkgo bootstrap

Now generate a new testing file with:

$ ginkgo generate <package-name>

Executing the two commands above should give you two files:


You can use the existing tests as a reference on how to write ginkgo tests or read the documentation.

Executing your tests:

$ go test -v
=== RUN   TestAddress
Running Suite: Address Suite
Random Seed: 1542616006
Will run 11 of 11 specs

Ran 11 of 11 Specs in 0.261 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 11 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
--- PASS: TestAddress (0.26s)
ok	0.264s

Again, your tests must pass otherwise the pull request won't be accepted.

Writing documentation/example code

While gives a good enough documentation of the package already, the IOTA Foundation's documentation portal needs additional information, such as parameter description, examples and so on.

  1. If non existent, add a .examples directory in your newly created package.
  2. Create a new file with the following convention: <package-name>_examples_test.go inside the .examples directory.
  3. Write examples in the following schema:
// i req: s, The ASCII string to convert to Trytes.
// o: Trytes, The Trytes representation of the input ASCII string.
// o: error, Returned for non ASCII string inputs.
func ExampleASCIIToTrytes() {
	trytes, err := converter.ASCIIToTrytes("IOTA")
	if err != nil {
		// handle error
	fmt.Println(trytes) // output: "SBYBCCKB"
Symbol Description
i req Describes a parameter to the function.
i Describes an optional parameter to the function.
o Describes a return value of the function.


  • For parameters: <symbol>: <parameter_name>, <description>.
  • For return values: <symbol>: <type>, <description>.
  • Example function: Example<OriginFunctionName>

Reporting Issues

Please report any problems you encouter during development by opening an issue.

Join the discussion

Suggestions and discussion around specs, standardization and enhancements are highly encouraged. You are invited to join the discussion on IOTA Discord.


IOTA Go API Library







No packages published


  • Go 98.3%
  • Assembly 1.7%