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A simple discord bot and webpage to give you control in letting your users know when your services are down.


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A simple discord bot and webpage to give you control in letting your users know when your services are down.



StatusPage is a simple node application which uses Express.JS for its homepage and API, and Discord.JS for its discord integration.

You can install it natively or in a docker container.

Native installation

This guide will use Ubuntu 20.04 but it should work on most OSes with minor differences such as paths.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Enter the StatusPage Directory

    cd StatusPage
  3. Install the required packages

    I recommend yarn for this but you can use npm if you'd prefer.


    yarn install
  4. Edit the configuration files

  5. Start the application

    yarn start
  6. Run it in the background If you'd like to be able to close your terminal and keep it running you can use forever

    Install forever

    npm install -g forever

    Start StatusPage with forever

    forever start index.js

Docker installation

This is my preferred method due to its ease of use and control.

  1. Install Docker and Docker compose

    curl -fsSL -o
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone
  3. Enter the StatusPage Directory

    cd StatusPage
  4. Edit the configuration files

  5. Start the container detached

    docker compose up -d
  6. Check the logs of the container to check it started correctly

    docker logs --follow StatusPage

    It should show both Express.JS: Listening on port XXXXX and Discord: Logged in as XXXXX#1234


  1. Copy the example files

    Once you have cloned and entered repository run the following commands to create configuration files you can edit

    cp .env.example .env
    cp config.example.json config.json
    cp services.example.json services.json
  2. Create a Discord Application

    Go to Discord Developer Applications and create a new application

    New Application

    Set your application's name and agree to the Terms of Service.

    Application Form

  3. Create the bot

    Go to the bot tab and click Add Bot

    Add bot

    And say Yes, do it! to the popup that comes up

  4. Get the required bot information

    Reset the bot's token and make a note of the resulting token (Keep this to yourself and don't share it with anyone)


    Go back to the General Information tab and make a note of the Application ID

    Application ID

  5. Add the bot to your discord server

    Go to the following link where APPLICATION_ID is the application ID you copied earlier

    Then add it to whatever server you want the bot in.

  6. Edit the configuration files


    Replace YourDiscordBotToken with the token you copied earlier, it'll look like MTA0MDk5MDU2MDM4MDUzNDg4NQ.GTvwe6.pbc10xV6A89L7g0yoJIAA1XsYSD1cjp-Q-ktJw


    Set this to whatever you like, just make sure that you set the to the channel you want, leave the lastMessage as default - It'll send a new one and change it for you

    Set authorizedRoles to the role ids you want to let change the status with slash commands

    Set the client_id to the application ID you copied earlier

    Set the guild_id to the discord server ID you've added the bot to

    Edit the rest to your liking


    Edit this to whatever you like - Just make sure at least one has default: true that the bot can set services to after a /status reset


A simple discord bot and webpage to give you control in letting your users know when your services are down.







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