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Authorship identification with simple feature engineering and LinearSVC to find writing style on word-level and extract the feature words by employing the algorithm

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Authorship identification with simple feature engineering and LinearSVC to find writing style on word-level and extract the feature words by employing the algorithm Using the package of Matplotlib --plotly to visualize the results and provide more insights


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The Dataset

Three books (by James.Joyce) (by Richard Yates) (by Raymond Carver) Using regular expression to clean the files in notpad++ Then mixed them and seperated into two types of .csv files: word_data600.csv Sentence_data.csv each one contains two columns ‘author’ and ‘text’ The differences between the two files are the unit of words: word_data600.csv, each row contains 600 words. Sentence_data.csv, each document has only one sentence. The distribution of author in the data is: alt text

The code of writing files

firtly split the whole text into words with .split() then use .iter() and zip() to sperate the long list of words into sublists and each contains 600 words

def list_of_words(init_list,sub_list_len):
    list_of_word = list(zip(*(iter(init_list),)*sub_list_len)) 
    end_list = [list(i) for i in list_of_word]
    return end_list
new_word_list = list_of_words(unit_JJ,600)

Simple feature engineering

quite a few special characters which might be good features. Get directly in the text data without complex calculation.

Text-based features: frequency of specific words

By employing NLTK tags to catagrize the words and count them in each group

def fraction_noun(x):
    """function to give us fraction of noun over total words """
    noun_count = len([w for w in pos_list if w[1] in ('NN','NNP','NNPS','NNS')])
    return (noun_count/word_count)

Average fraction of noun of JJ: 0.25955366897627385 Average fraction of noun of RY: 0.2410677319129729 Average fraction of noun of RC: 0.23489160784172405

Average fraction of adjective of JJ: 0.06259012981023131 Average fraction of adjective of RY: 0.06450037298938273 Average fraction of adjective of RC: 0.04310757722957404

Average fraction of verb of JJ: 0.19481202119363242 Average fraction of verb of RY: 0.19127114870798473 Average fraction of verb of RC: 0.22169705750928081

Average fraction of adverb of JJ: 0.052373569165498554 Average fraction of adverb of RY: 0.060251000997142104 Average fraction of adverb of RC: 0.05071981984771416

Distribution of the Number of unique words and stopwords in each 600 words group: alt text

Meta features: number of words of each sentence:

alt text alt text

Get feature words with LinerSVC

Feature words for Prediction authorship

Term Frequency vectorizer to vectorize the train_data separated from the word_data600.csv with the following parameter. min_df = 5 stopwords=list(stopwords) enconding = 'latin1' The resutlt: alt text

Feature words:

James Joyce “Dubliner”: 'confused' 'head' 'body' 'people' 'street' 'round' 'air' 'slowly' 'began' yes' 'gone' 'money' 'tried' 'frank' 'women' 'priest' 'dead' 'saying' 'grey' 'heart' 'shop' 'felt' 'tea' 'used' 'death' 'eyes' 'father' 'falling' 'spoke' 'life' 'live' 'great' 'dark' 'evening' 'end' 'young' 'poor' ‘said aunt'

Richard Yates “Eleven Kinds of Loneliness”: 'living room' 'rock' 'started' 'bathroom' 'moved' 'sit' 'morning' 'looked' 'comes' 'bed' 'fish' 'coffee' 'chair' 'son' 'ashtray' 'shot' 'saw' 'took' 'clean' 'hear' 'picked' 'place' 'days' 'thinking' 'green' 'sofa' anymore' 'say' 'kept' 'guard' 'hooks' 'newspaper' 'watched' 'dad' 'things' 'terri'

Raymond Carver “What We Talk about When Talk about Love”: 'everybody' 'want' 'bag' 'cigarette' 'won' 'platoon' 'army' 'best' 'writer' 'easy' 'week' 'trouble' 'got' 'deal' 'real' 'later' 'book' 'day' 'smile' 'jean' 'job' 'miss price' 'price’ 'lips' 'mcintyre' 'time' steps' 'ralph' 'new' 'tiny' 'guess' 'sure' 'building' 'kind' 'oh' 'thing' 'way' ‘reer’

Other features –The author distribution in top 50 popular words

the progressing: using NLTK tokenize (stemming, remove stopwords …) → Built vocabulary Count → count word overall and by author → 50 highest frequency

Using Plotly to visualize

Fuction of dash lines: df['ALL'] * word_count[authors[0]].sum() / word_count['ALL'].sum()

df['ALL'] * word_count[authors[:2]].values.sum() / word_count['ALL'].sum() alt text


Authorship identification with simple feature engineering and LinearSVC to find writing style on word-level and extract the feature words by employing the algorithm






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