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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

beginner-friendly 🏁
beginner-friendly 🏁
breaking 💀
breaking 💀
breaking changes
bug 🐜
bug 🐜
Something isn't working
consistency 🍎 🍏
consistency :apple: :green_apple:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Discussion 🦜
Discussion :parrot:
documentation 📑
documentation 📑
Error/problems with documentation
duplicate 👯‍♂️
duplicate 👯‍♂️
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 🔥
enhancement 🔥
New feature or request
good first issue ❤️
good first issue :heart:
Good for newcomers
help wanted ❤️
help wanted :heart:
Extra attention is needed
high priority 🏃‍♂️
high priority :running_man:
invalid 🙅‍♂️
invalid :no_good_man:
This doesn't seem right
low priority 😴
low priority :sleeping:
out-of-scope ❌
out-of-scope ❌
This will not be worked on
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
reprex 🔍
reprex 🔍
Reproducible example is needed
upkeep 🧹
upkeep :broom:
WIP 👷‍♂️
WIP 👷‍♂️
work in progress (don't merge)