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Tecnicatura Superior en Desarrollo web y Aplicaciones Digitales

Programación Web 1

  • Equipo: Bookster
  • Proyecto: Libroteka
  • Cohorte: 2023


  • Node: "^18"
  • Angular: "^17"
  • Python: "^3.8"
  • Django: "^4.2"
  • SQLITE3: Incluido en Django

Puntos claves:

  • Formulario IEEE830: Link
  • Ceremonias - Scrum: Link
  • Historias de Usuario: Link
  • Milestones: Link
  • Branching Strategy:
Branch Naming Convention
Master "main"
Desarrollo "dev"
Rama Integrantes "iniciales-feature"

Credenciales Django Admin

  • user: superadmin
  • password: libroteka


  • FrontEnd: fortawesome, nodemailer, bootstrap, rxjs, smtpjs, tslib, zone.js
  • BackEnd: django, djangorestframework, django-cors-headers, Pillow, jsonfield, mysqlclient

Correr localmente

FrontEnd Clone the project
  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start
BackEnd Clone the project
  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Backend/Libroteka

Activate Virtual environment & install Libraries

.\backendLibroteka-env\bin\activate # Windows users
source backendLibroteka-env/bin/activate # Linux users
 cd Libroteka/Backend/Libroteka
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

  python runserver
Clone the project
  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Go back and Start the Docker Compose

  cd ..
  sudo docker compose up --build