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Demonstration using the Symfony Framework + React.js Connecting with ImgUR API

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Desygner Demonstration

by. Hericlis Martins

This demonstration use the ImgUR API to search images and later save into a database.

News Features:

APCU Cache: I have implemented the cache using the APCU extention, using the Component Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter from symfony. *

Now it is impresendive do you include and enable the APCU extention in your PHP. Have a look at:

Commit reference: #cca03cb

New endpoint of the ImageUR API:

/api/image/imgur/{*maxofImgs*}/**{cache state}**/{*keyword*}

Cache states:

	1 - Not use at all
	0  - Try to get from cache if not exists get the imgur json and save
	1  - Only accepts values from the cache.

Validation: Now the keyword received into the API endpoint /api/image/imgur/ is valitating using the Symfony\Component\Validator\

Commit reference: #3fd1067

Validation constraints:

Tech specifications:

  • PHP 7.4
  • MySQL
  • Symfony 5
  • React.js (Material-ui)

How to:


The file .env.desygner is the file which have the IMGUR CLIENTID API, it is my clientID. I'm not sure if this still working, if needs please register a new code here

  • Install all dependencies composer install Back-end dependencies yarn install Front-end dependencies
  • Start the symfony server symfony server:start

  • Compile the React javascript file using the WebPack encore

    yarn encore dev-server Auto load the front end into the broweser when you change the files

    yarn encore dev --watch You will have to manually update the page to see the changes

:tw-2757: I have detected that the imgur blocks the request from the ip numbers like so to use the images show correctly you need to access from a virtual dns name like localhost:8000

@Symfony Microservice API.
[API endpoints]


Method: POST
Param: Json {"url":"", "title":"", "description":""}
Return: 'message' => ['text' => '', 'level' => '']
Description: Insert this JSON into the DB, It is validate using the Symfony Form Component.  `./Form/ImageType.php `


Method: GET 
Param: null
Return: 'message' => ['text' => '', 'level' => '']
Description: Return the data from DB

/api/image/imgur/{max}/{cache state}/{keyword}

Method: GET 
Param: Max=number of images, Keyword= word to search, Cache State
Return: 'message' => ['text' => '', 'level' => '']
Description: Return the data from ImgUR


In order to learn how to use the symfony framework, I performed a single unit test on the API using the PHPUnit component. This test makes a request to the endpoint /api/image/readLibrary


class ImageTest extends TestCase

Start the test: php ./bin/phpunit ./tests/ImageTest.php

Faking a failure: There are two assertions response in this test model.

    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $this->assertEquals("application/json", $headers["content-type"][0]);

To fake a failure test just change the type of the return:


    $response = new Response(
        ['content-type' => 'text/html']   < Uncomment this line
       // ['content-type' => 'application/json']  < Comment this line

Future Features and Final Considerations.

It was amazing lern the @Symfony Framework developing a demonstration for this interview. I hope that this code meets the expectations of an interviewer and that this makes me possibly more likely to be hired. On the other hand I really enjoyed working with @Symfony, and I will probably use this again.


  • Back-end implement a Cache to the ImgUR returns.
  • Front-end (Create the controllers to interact with the cache, create alerts from return)



Demonstration using the Symfony Framework + React.js Connecting with ImgUR API







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