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Project Description

EduOrigin is an android app that is based on online learning. Here a user can log in and register to the user panel and the sessions of user are managed properly. Then, a user can read various types of programming and sofware related books. He/She can search specific books through kewords. Besides, he/she can give online quizes and gain scores. Here, a user can go through many online resources for the learning purpose. Besides, there is an admin panel in this app. An admin can login to the admin panel and upload new books with pdf and also create quizes for the users. All the books and quizes are added and updated instantly in RecyclerView.


  1. User Login and Registration System
  2. User Authentication and Session Management System
  3. Online Book Library and Book Reading System
  4. Online MCQ with Scoring System
  5. Particular Book Searching System Through Keywords
  6. Admin Panel for Creating Quizes and Uploading Books
  7. Learning from Many Online Resources through Web View
  8. Realtime Book and Quiz Updating System


Java, PHP


MySQL, SharedPreferences

Tools and Technologies:

Android Studio, PhpMyAdmin

Project Demo:

Animated Splash Screen:

Login and Registration System

Admin Panel (Book Uploading System)

Admin Panel (Quiz Creating System)

Book Library System

Particular Book Searching System

Online Quiz System

Quiz Scoring System

Online Learning Resources System


  1. Animated Splash Screen
  2. RecyclerView
  3. CardView
  4. Adapter
  5. Material UI Design
  6. Dexter
  7. PDF Viewer
  8. Live Data
  9. MySQL Database
  10. Retrofit
  11. Glide
  12. WebView
  13. API CALL
  14. API Development and Integration
  15. Material Components
  16. User Registration and Authentication
  17. User Session Management
  18. Admin Session Management


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