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I started this project when there was no XML Plugin available for VSCode. But now we have XML Plugin by RedHat available, so I recommend all to use that. Do check em out:,
Meanwhile, I will try my best to improve and new features to this project, but not having the freedom to dedicate time for it may take a bit longer to finish it.

VSCode plugin for XML language. This is an LSP Client which uses xml-language-server to provide features such as autocomplete, validation and documentation for XML languages.


  • XML Validations
    • XSD
    • DTD
  • Autocomplete
    • XSD
    • DTD
  • Documentation
    • XSD
    • DTD

Refer to xml-language-server repository for updated info on features.

What is language client?

Language client is the client part of Language Server Protocol (LSP), which asks server for the required data/operations.
As per official documentation,

The Language Server protocol is used between a tool (the client) and a language smartness provider (the server) to integrate features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references and alike into the tool.

Why XML?

We use XML documents, configs extensively for our day to day work, and simple config typo of elements or attributes breaks our head for hours. Intellij was already supporting features for XML such as validation, autocomplete, documentation (using annotations from xsd), but text editors like vscode or sublime doesn't have support for XML. It's an attempt to make editors smart for XML documents.


The jar from xml-language-server should be put in jars folder for it to work.

vsce package # to create .vsix extension

Currently it requires java to be installed on the host machine for extension to work because language server is written in java. In future, this might changes.


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