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Releases: HL7/fhir-shc-vaccination-ig


15 May 19:34
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v0.5.0-rc Pre-release

This is the final RC before our first stable version (v0.5.0) is released.


⚠️= breaking change


  • ⚠️The system element must be set to when specifying
  • IAL1 for SHOULD no longer be populated
  • Updated example links pointing at GitHub to lead to the correct lines
  • Prefixed invariants with vc- (does not affect resources; only changes display of invariants in the IG)
  • Substantial cleanup of terminology
  • Removed most warnings about IG Validator issues as these have been resolved (🎊). There is still a note about a possible warning related to the FHIR security labels value set, but this is a minor issue.
  • Improved guidance on conformance page for when Resource.meta should/shouldn't be populated
  • Added note on home page that this IG does not describe resources meant to be the representation of canonical data in an EHR
  • Added note on home page about our approach to cardinality constraints and terminology bindings
  • Add unit tests for the IG (see README on GitHub for details)


  • Added substantial documentation to the beginning of the AD Immunization profile
  • ⚠️vaccineCode is now required (technically a breaking change, but should not affect implementers as this was already MS)
  • Add support for manufacturer, which is required if the system used for vaccineCode does not identify the manufacturer
  • Add warning when is longer than 30 chars
  • Added support for other code systems in addition to CVX
  • Added CVX-specific profiles to assist implementers using this code system for vaccineCode
  • Removed temporary code system URI for CVX
  • Remove reportOrigin, site, route, and fundingSource value set bindings as these are not MS elements and SHOULD NOT be populated
  • Improved guidance for isSubpotent

Lab results

  • ⚠️Disallowed category
  • ⚠️Made value[x] required (this was already MS, so while technically a breaking change it should not affect implementers)
  • ⚠️Add invariant requiring status to have a value meaning "completed" (technically a breaking change, but should not affect implementers as this element was already required)
  • Added support for valueQuantity, and for referenceRange (which SHOULD be populated with valueQuantity)
  • Added support for valueString when a computable representation of lab results is not available (this replaces our use of valueCodeableConcept.text for this)
  • Add warning when performer.display >30 chars
  • Add LOINC answer list options for lab results (previously only SNOMED codes were allowed)


  • Remove reference to "animals" from short and definition
  • Added guidance for partially known or missing birth dates in comment on birthDate element
  • ⚠️Disallow contact, and portions of address to protect privacy


  • ⚠️Make slicing of entry closed, which limits the types of resources that can be included
  • ⚠️Improved consistency of DM constraints
  • Removed id from example Bundles
  • Shortened slice names (does not affect resources, just how slices are displayed in the IG)
  • Removed note on the conformance page about combining both lab test results and immunization resources into a single Bundle: this is no longer allowed now that the slice is closed for entry.


09 Apr 13:17
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v0.4.0-rc Pre-release

Breaking changes

  • Settle on resource:# syntax for fullUrl and reference based on guidance from FHIR-I. This is a SHALL requirement to match the SMART Health Card spec. fullUrl is now required.
  • Address- and telecom-related changes in Patient profiles
    • Entirely disallow including exact address (address.line and address.text) in the AD profile.
    • The other address elements are marked as “SHOULD NOT populate” in the AD profile. Accordingly, removed MS from and address.postalCode in AD profile.
    • address is entirely disallowed in the DM profile.
    • telecom is now “SHOULD NOT populate” in the AD profile. It was already entirely disallowed in the DM profile.
    • We should discuss whether address and telecom should be entirely disallowed in the AD profile. These are mutable data which may have little long-term value for verification, but has significant privacy downsides.
  • Patient.gender is now disallowed in AD and DM profiles.
  • Make DM profiles match the MS flags on the AD counterparts. There were a number of inadvertent inconsistencies which have been resolved.
  • Make naming consistent through the IG. This should not break implementations, but could break validation tools. vaccine has been replaced with vaccination throughout, and covid-19 replaced with covid19 in StructureDefinition IDs.
  • Make Observation.category 1..1 rather than 1.. for lab result profiles. This is not expected to break any implementations, but if it does please let us know.
  • FixImmunization.status to #completed and disallow statusReason entirely. This is technically a breaking change, but shouldn’t affect implementers unless Issuers are issuing credentials for incomplete vaccinations.
  • is now 0..0, which is technically a breaking change but should not affect implementers.

Other changes

  • Omit id throughout for data minimization purposes. However, this is technically not allowed (id can only be omitted when sending a resource to a server with a create request), so we may want to revisit this from a conformance perspective.
  • Add note that validation with the FHIR validation tool is currently broken and an explanation about why (this is on the Conformance page). We are working on a functional validation workflow.
  • Add example links in the expected place within the FHIR IG (a tab on each profile page).
  • Move examples out of the FHIR IG in favor of linking to the files on GitHub. This may be a temporary change, but is necessary to avoid spurious errors when publishing the IG.
  • Remove all the profile-specific examples in favor of linking to a section within the bundle examples. The content was identical with the profile-specific examples, so this change avoids the possibility of these getting out of sync.
  • Update examples to match changes in IG.
  • Ability to link to the differential, snapshot, and snapshot (must support) tabs on the profile pages
  • Add definition and comments to Immunization.occurrence
  • Add guidance for representing lot number in Immunization.lotNumber
  • Add guidance on providing string laboratory results vs. computable results in value[x] comment
  • Explain using display to identify the responsible organization for performing an immunization or lab test.
  • Add headers on all the AD and DM profiles with a link to the explanation of this pattern, and to their AD/DM counterpart.
  • Removed the Excel data dictionary for now. It doesn’t seem to be used and there’s some burden associated with updating it.


19 Mar 13:57
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v0.3.0-rc Pre-release

This is the Release Candidate for our first stable release! Thanks to @nkarip co-authoring this, and to everyone who reviewed the IG for their suggestions.


  • Added proof of concept to Immunization profile, and their examples (please provide feedback on the implementation of this).
  • Substantial improvements to content on index.html and conformance.html.
  • Added dropdown menu for profiles and value sets.
  • Added invariant to warn when element strings are >20 chars for MS elements and id.
  • Changed realm from US to Universal.
  • Added scripts to facilitate validating examples against the IG in the scripts/ folder (only needed for IG authors, not implementers).

Patient profiles

  • Removed MS label from Patient.gender.
  • Fixed consistency issues with MS labels (Patient.address).
  • Changed from 1..\* to 1..1 in DM profile; we believe more than 1 patient name is an edge case that should rarely, if ever occur. See the details for for more information.
  • Made and Patient.address.extension 0..0 in the DM profile.

Lab result (observation) profiles

  • Made category[labortory].coding, .coding.code, and .coding.system MS for consistency.
  • Removed 0..0 for and category.text to fix validation issue.

Bundle profiles

  • Switched to separate Bundle profiles for COVID lab results and generic lab results to facilitate validation; added DM versions of both of these bundles as well.
  • Added DM version of the VaccineCredentialBundle to facilitate validation.
  • Made Bundle.type MS since it is 1..1.

Immunization profiles

  • MS consistency fixes: Immunization.patient and Immunization.vaccineCode,, Immunization.status.
  • Added guidance about use of CVX codes.
  • Added explanation for handling of isSubpotent.


  • Removed telecom from Patient examples.
  • Made id consistently use the resource:x format across examples.
  • Removed extraneous content from Scenario2Bundle example.

Value sets

  • Attempted to correct URLs for PHIN VADS and VSAC value sets (see below).
  • Removed value sets that were no longer used.
  • Added value set for identity assurance.

Known issues

  • We are using a temporary value set for CVX codes to avoid valdiator errors. The FHIR CVX value set is being updated, and we will switch back to this before our stable release.
  • Other value sets based on PHIN VADS and VSAC are not being expanded. We are working to resolve this.
  • The COVID-specific LOINC codes identifying lab tests are not being expanded. This is causing validation errors related to invalid codes. We are working to resolve this.
  • We are not providing a way to identify the device/method used to generate the laboratory result. This is a TODO in the FSH code, and needs to either be implemented or removed.


05 Mar 22:54
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v0.2.1-dev Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Adds MS to and Patient.address.postalCode in the AD profile
  • Removes 0..0 for Patient.address in the DM profile, and adds 0..0 for all the Address elements that are not country and postalCode

Other changes

  • Remove sushi-config.yaml dependency on US Core (no longer used in this IG)


05 Mar 01:02
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v0.2.0-dev Pre-release
v0.2.0 release

Initial release

15 May 19:32
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Initial release Pre-release

Initial development release of the IG