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.NET 9 MAUI app for Android 10+ using a SQLite database.

Simple app for employer to track employees time cards for payroll use. Supports multiple employees over different projects.

Supports Dark theme.


screenshots screenshots
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4


Database has been changed between v1 to v1.4. If you have any data you want to keep, before upgrading to version 1.4, backup your current data by using Tools->Backup->Export Data This will create a ZIP file containing all the SQLite table data in CSV files. Then after upgrading, use Tools->Backup->Import Data to restore your data.


Built using .NET 9.0-preview3 and the following nuget packages:

"CommunityToolkit.Maui" Version="9.0.0"
"CommunityToolkit.Mvvm" Version="8.2.2"
"CsvHelper" Version="32.0.1"
"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite" Version="9.0.0-preview.3.24172.4"

To change the default items that are added during the database creation, see the file TimeClockApp.Shared\Models\DataBackendContext.cs

Release Notes


  • Fix issue with multiple timecards on the same day, that would not correctly add up the hours for overtime.
  • Fix issue with double overtime (As per overtime in USA any work over 8 hours in a single day is overtime. After the 12th hour it is double overtime)
  • Redesigned the payroll detail page.
  • Fixed issue with the backup of the entire sqlite database file. Can only make a copy of current database. Still can not import that file. Only import via CVS files is supported
  • Removed unnessesary Wages table from database
  • Fixed issue of a timecard from a prior date that was not clocked out of.
  • Now uses EF migrations to create and update the database. See migrations section below


  • Initial Release


To create the initial migration files needed for the database

  1. Set the 'Solution Configuration' to DebugMigrator
  2. Set the EFMigrator project as the 'Start up project'
  3. View->Other Windows->Package Manager Console
  4. In the Package Manager Console window, set the 'Default project' to TimeClockApp.Shared
  5. In the Package Manager Console, enter the command
add-migration Initial -Context TimeClockApp.Shared.Models.DataBackendContext -Verbose
  1. After the command completes. Set the 'Solution Configuration' to Debug or Release
  2. Set the TimeClockApp project as the 'Start up project'

Thank you to @taublast for his guide on getting migrations to work with maui android projects.


MAUI Android app to track employee hours for payroll







No releases published
