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Faiths and Powers mod

Compatibility: Should be completely compatible with the following mods if installed after them:

  • Spell Revisions
  • Deities of Faerûn
  • Divine Remix (do not install their sphere system)
  • MORE

Install Order: TBD

Component Overview

GIVE AN OVERVIEW OF EACH COMPONENT HERE. Describe them more fully below

Known Issues

  • You MUST explicitly select a kit when prompted during character creation. If you do not do so, you will end up with the old class and a likely very messed up spell list

Component 101: Everything, Using Deity Selection Dialogue

This Component has been depreciated. In the initial implementation, we added deity kits by dialog due to engine limitations. Recent updates to the game engine have rendered this technique unnecessary.

Component 102: ALL the new kits, the kit selection dialogue, and the sphere system ('radical version')

This component radically alters the way classes and kits work in the game. CONTINUE

Component 102

Cleric Kits

Cleric Overveiw

There are no generic clerics in FnP if this component is installed. All clerics must begin play begin play by answering the question, "what power do I worship?". For most clerics, the answer will be some Farunian deity, but a few will have 'other answers' (see the 'Special Cleric Kits' section below).

Typically, the Infinity Engine treats Clerics Specialists as Cleric kits. In pnp, however, thera are actual cleric kits that work in tandem with Priest Kits to create truely unique combinations. Of course, we're not particularly fond of the cleric kits that you find in the Complete Priests Handbook--they're basically reskinned fighter kits--so we created our own. Kits affect which deities you can select--in a few cases, such as the Ur-Priest, these kits dramatically influence deity selection (the Ur-Priest does not select any deity--see the kit below for details).

In addition, some changes have been made to the cleric base kit, to further differentiate it from the paladin/champion (see below for details on the paladin changes).

The Cleric Base Class


The Acolyte Kit


The Incarnate Kit (forthcoming)


Priest of Light (forthcoming)

DETAILS (does not worship a specific deity but venerates all good deities)

Priest of Darkness

DETAILS (does not worship a specific deity but venerates all evil deities)

Base Cleric Deity Templates

Battleguard of Tempus

BATTLEGUARD OF TEMPUS: Tempus, also known as the Lord of Battles or the Foehammer, is random in his favors, yet his chaotic nature favors all sides equally. Lord Tempus may be on an army's side one day and against them the next; such is the nature of war. Tempuran clergy can be found on both sides of a conflict, as none can ever truly know whom the war god will favor.


  • Battleguards can be proficient with any weapon
  • Battleguards gain a +1 bonus to damage with any melee weapon.
  • Incite Rage: Battleguards can incite a berserker rage beginning at level 5, and again at levels 10, 15 and 20. This ability is like the berserkers enrage, except that <PRO_HESHE> can incite this rage in <PRO_HIMHER>self or in others.


  • Alignment: No alignment restrictions.
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Fighters can be Battleguards

Dawnbringer of Lathander

DAWNBRINGER OF LATHANDER: Dawnbringers are the representatives of Lathander, a widely worshiped deity of birth, renewal, health, and the dawn. Dawnbringers are especially vigilant foes of the undead, which they see as a plague upon the living, corrupting the life that is the gift of Lathander. They look to cleanse the world with Lathander's light, eradicating any undead with its purifying rays.


  • Turns undead as a cleric four levels higher than their current level.
  • Can cast Boon of Lathander as a special ability once per day. The Dawnbringer gains an additional use at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. BOON OF LATHANDER: This spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster. It gives the caster a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws, and 1 extra attack per round. It also protects the caster from level drain.
  • Can cast False Dawn as a special ability once per day at 9th level. The Dawnbringer gains an additional use at levels 20 and 30. The ability functions as the cleric spell of the same name.


  • Alignment: Any good, or lawful neutral.
  • Multiclass: Fighter/Clerics, and Fighter/Mage/Clerics can all be Dawnbringers.

Doomguide of Kelemvor (not available in IWDEE)

DOOMGUIDE OF KELEMVOR: Kelemvor is the most recent god of death. He has proven to be quite different from Mykrul, the former god of death. In particular, while the latter encouraged the creation of undead monstrosities, Kelevmor charges his clergy to actively destroy undead, seeing their existance as an unnatural perversion of the order of life and death. As such, his clergy have become particularly talented undead slayers.


  • Doomguides turn undead at 4 levels higher than a cleric of their level.
  • +4 to saves against death
  • At 7th level, the doomguide is protected as if with the Death Ward spell.
  • At 11th level, the doomguide is protected as if with the Negative Plane Protection spell.


  • Alignment: May not be evil or chaotic.
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Fighters, and Cleric/Mages can be Doomguides.

Hand of Torm

HAND OF TORM: Hands seek to emulate their deity Torm, who is known for his steadfast loyalty and dedication to all that is good. While a great many of his worshipers are Champions (known as Paladins or Holy Champions of Torm), as Torm is the patron of Paladinhood, Hands are no less fierce and loyal to the cause of their god (if slightly less martial).


  • Hands are special among clerics in that they gain focus in the protection sphere.
  • Hands can cast Command as a spell like ability once per day. <PRO_HESHE> can use this ability an additional time at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. This ability functions like the spell of the same name.
  • Hands are able to gain proficiency in any weapon or fighting style. Additionally, they can gain 2 pips in sword and shield fighting style.
  • At 3rd level, a hand can cast detect evil as a spell like ability, once per day. They gain an additional use of this ability at levels 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19. This ability functions like the spell of the same name.
  • At 4th level, a hand can cast protection from evil as a spell like ability once per day. They can use this ability an additional time at levels 8, 12, 16 and 20. This ability functions like the spell of the same name.


  • Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good only.
  • Multiclass: Fighter/Clerics can be Hands of Torm.

Hoodwinker of Baravar Cloakshadow HOODWINKER OF BARAVAR CLOAKSHADOW:


  • May use Shadowstep at 1st level. The Hoodwinker gains an additional use at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20. SHADOWSTEP: The character steps into the Shadow Plane and may move for 7 seconds while others are frozen in time. The caster cannot attack or cast spells while in the Shadow Plane.


  • Alignment: may not be Lawful.

Luckrider of Tymora

LUCKRIDER OF TYMORA: Also known as Lady Luck, Tymora is the goddess of good fortune. The sect of her clerics known as Luckriders eat, drink, and sleep luck. Confident to the point of cockiness, they enter battle recklessly, throwing caution to the wind and trusting in fate. Considering how many adventurers perish despite crafting meticulous strategies and plans, this is not a ridiculous position.


  • Luckriders are innately lucky, receiving the effects of the Luck spell permanently.
  • May cast an area-of-effect "Tymora's Luck" spell innately once per day, and once more for each 5 levels of experience gained.


The allies of this spellcaster gain extraordinary luck for the next 1 turn, receiving a +1 bonus to their saving throws, attack rolls, and minimum damage/healing rolls as well as +5% to all thieving skills. Furthermore, damage dice for all effects outside a weapon's base damage is reduced by 1. Finally, spells that offer saving throws to enemies are more likely to be effective: a spell that usually offers a saving throw with no penalty will instead offer a saving throw with a -2 penalty.


  • Alignment: may not Lawful or Evil.
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Thieves can be Luckriders

Mistwalker of Leira

MISTWALKER OF LEIRA: Leira is the goddess of deception and illusion. She was supposedly slain under mysterious circumstances during the Avatar crisis, but at least one sect of her worshippers, the Mistwalkers, continue to receive divine power. Lies are their currency, illusion is their tool.


  • May use the "Leira's Double" ability once every 5 rounds. Often used in emergencies, this causes an illusionary double of the cleric to spring into existence. If the cleric is being attacked, the double will absorb the first blow that lands, and disappear. At 6th level two doubles are created, and at 12th level one of the two doubles can actually wander away from the cleric to distract enemies. Mistwalkers may use this ability once per turn.


  • May not dual-class to fighter.
  • Alignment: may not be Lawful.

Paingiver of Loviatar

PAINGIVER OF LOVIATAR: Known as The Maiden of Pain and The Willing Whip, loviatar is the evil goddess of agony. She is often seen as a cold-hearted bully, calculating and despotic; she revels in inflicting physical and psychological suffering. Her priests, known simply as "Paingivers" find freedom and power in such pain, and they seek to spread that gospel to others... regardless whether their victims are actually seeking such enlightenment.


  • Can use the Pain Touch ability at will.

PAIN TOUCH: When the priest of Lovitar activates this ability, her mere touch creates waves of pain for any creature with a nervous system. When she touches any creature, they must save vs death or suffer a -2 penalty to their dexterity and -4 to thac0 as they writhe in agony and will suffer 1 point of non-lethal damage every 12 seconds. The penalties and damage occurs over an excruciating period of 10 rounds. Paingivers have have this touch indefinitely, but they can suppress it as needed.

  • At 3rd level, Paingivers can use Loviatar's Caress once per day. <PRO_HESHE> can use this ability one more time at levels 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18.

LOVIATAR'S CARESS: When the cleric uses this ability, <PRO_HISHER> hands become instruments of Lovitar for four rounds. <PRO_HESHE> can strike with uncanny accuracy with <PRO_HISHER> hands (+10 to hit) and <PRO_HESHE> inflicts an additional +2 points of damage per level to a maximum of +20 points at 10th level. This spell stacks with other unarmed attacks, such as the priest's pain touch.


  • May not be Good.

Priest of Baervan (Not available if Divine Remix is installed)

PRIEST OF BAERVAN: Usually found far abreast from heavily urban areas, followers of Baervan Wildwanderer seek to protect nature from evil creatures. They have a particular affinity for forest plants and creatures, especially raccoons.


  • May cast Call Woodland Beings once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use). This ability functions as the spell of the same name.
  • May cast Naturewalk once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

NATUREWALK: This spell grants one person protection from ground and nature based movement impairing effects such as webs, entangling, and grease. This spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster.


  • Race: restricted to gnome.
  • Alignment: restricted to good.

Stormbringer of Talos

STORMBRINGER OF TALOS: Stormbringers are clerics of Talos, the Destroyer, the Raging One, the Stormstar, the Storm Lord. MORE!!!!


  • Talos' Favor: Stormbringers are 50% resistant to electricity damage.
  • Can cast Storm Shield as a special ablity once per day. The Stormbringer gains an additional use at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

STORM SHIELD: This spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster. It protects the caster completely from lightning, fire, cold, and normal missiles.

  • Can cast Lightning Bolt as a special ability once per day at 9th level. The stormbringer gains an additional use at levels 20 and 30. The abilty functions as the wizard spell of the same name.


  • Alignment: any evil or chaotic neutral

The Sworn of Cyric

THE SWORN OF CYRIC: The sworn of Cyric do what they can to appease their mad, fickle god. In the meantime, they try to take what they can, when they can, before being smited either by their god, or one of their many victims.


  • +1 to save vs. Illusion spells
  • Sworn are completely fearless. As such, they are not affected either by magical fear or moral failure.
  • At 5th level, the Sworn can cast Confusion as the 4th level wizard spell once per day. They can cast this spell an additional time per day at levels 10, 15 and 20.
  • At 10th level, the Sworn can cast Feeblemind once per day as the wizard spell. They gain an additional use of this ability at 20th and 30th level. Restrictions:
  • Alignment: any evil or chaotic neutral
  • Sworn of Cyric may be cleric/thieves

Watcher of Helm

WATCHER OF HELM: Like their deity, Watchers of Helm are stern, dedicated, and loyal, perhaps to a fault. Helm teaches that the right path is not always obvious, but the surest way to the right path is through the execution of duty. As such, watchers of helm strive to do what they must despite the consequences, to themselves or even to others. While othes may suggest that this supposed 'dedication' is nothing more than a fetish, the watcher has no time for such nonsense. They do not have the idle time to question; it is their duty to be ever alert for possible threats to cosmic order.


  • Watchers automatically gain a proficiency point in bastard , Helm's favored weapon. Fighter clerics do not get this bonus, but they are able to gain mastery with the bastard sword.
  • Heightened Awareness: +1 bonus to AC and +2 bonus to save vs breath
  • Can cast Helm's eye as a special ability once per day at 9th level. The watcher gains an additional use at levels 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. Helm's eye is equivalent to the wizard spell, wizard eye.
  • Can cast Seeking Sword as a special ability once per day. The Watcher gains an additional use at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

SEEKING SWORD: This spell creates a sword in the Cleric's hand that cannot be dropped or unequipped. The sword is enchanted as a +4 weapon and provides a +4 THAC0 bonus, but no damage bonus. It deals 2d4 damage to any target it hits. The weapon sets the Cleric's number of attacks per round to 3 and lasts for 1 round per level. While it is equipped, the wielder cannot cast further spells.


  • Alignment: May be Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or True Neutral.

Waveservant of Umberlee

WAVESERVANT OF UMBERLEE: Umberlee is a fickle goddess who claims the sea as her sole domain. Like many evil gods, she is more often feared than revered, though there are notable exceptions. Umberlee has something of an...affection for lost souls, and so she has been known to take them under her wing from time to time.


  • Mistress of the Waves: Unlike most clerics, waveservants have focus access in the elemental water sphere.
  • Can cast Smashing Wave as the cleric spell as a special ability once per day. The Waveservant can use this ability an additional time per day at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.


  • The Waveservant cannot turn undead.


  • Alignment: any evil or chaotic neutral

Acolyte Kit Deity Templates

Broken Blade of Tempus

BROKEN BLADE OF TEMPUS: Broken Blades honor Tempus by treating those wounded in battle. Unlike Battleguards and Glorybloods, who are most frequently found on the front lines, it is more common to find a Broken Blades at the rear, treating and protecting the wounded. Broken Blades are particulary millitant for acolytes, wearing chain armor, and often weilding battle axes, and will be found defending any of Tempus's holy sites.


  • Unlike most acolytes, Broken Blades can wear chain armor.
  • Broken Blades automatically gain proficiency with the axe.
  • Can cast Chant as a spell like ability one time per day but with a casting time of 1 at first level. The Battleguard gains an additional use every 5 levels. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.


  • Alignment: No alignment restrictions
  • Multiclass: None

Darkcloak of Shar

DARKCLOAK OF SHAR: Shar is known as the Mistress of the Night. She is the goddess of darkness, presiding over caverns, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, and secrets. The Darkcloaks are an unusual sect, who use Shar's influence to give care and comfort to those who are lost or emotionally damaged. While some other followers of Shar spurn these acolytes for failing to be militant enough, Darkcloaks still possess powerful abilities to strive against their enemies.


  • May cast Power Word: Sleep once per day at level 1 once per day. The Darkcloak can use this ability an additinal time at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.
  • May cast Blur once per day at level 5. The Darkcloak can use this ability an additional time per day at levels 10, 15, and 20. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.
  • May cast Phantom Blade once per day at level 9. The Darkcloak can use this ability at levels 20 and 30. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.
  • May cast Power Word: Blindness once per day at level 13. The Darkcloak can use this ability an additional time at level 20. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.


  • May not dual-class to fighter.
  • Alignment: may not be Chaotic or Good
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Mages and Cleric/Thieves can be Darkcloaks

Doommaster of Beshaba

DOOM<PRO_MASTERMISTRESS> OF BESHABA: Beshaba, the maid of misfortune, is the jealous goddess of ill-fate. Not worshiped so much as feared, she demands tribute, or at least lip service, else she is likey to doom those that offend her to a life of failure. Her priests work to ensure that she her ego is adequately sated.


  • Doommasters can cast a special version of the doom spell at will. It can be used once, and only once, on a given opponent but otherwise functions as the spell of the same name.
  • Doommasters gain a +1 bonus to all saves.
  • At 7th level, the doommaster can cast misfire as a special ability once per day. Misfire works as the spell of the same name. The doommaster can use this abilty an additional time per day at levels 10, 13, 16 and 19.
  • At 10th level, the doommaster can cast misfortune. <PRO_HESHE> can use this abilty one additional time at levels 15, and 20.

MISFORTUNE: This abilty curses the target, causing them a penalty of -10 penalty to THAC0, saves and AC for one round/level if they fail a save vs. spell.


  • Alignment: Any evil or chaotic neutral

Fastpaws of Baervan

FASTPAWS OF BAERVAN: Usually found far abreast from heavily urban areas, followers of Baervan Wildwanderer seek to protect nature from evil creatures. They have a particular affinity for forest plants and creatures, especially raccoons.


  • May summon a spirit animal ally for protection once per day. This being is similar to a bear, and increases in power at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th levels.


  • Race restricted to gnome.
  • Alignment restricted to good.Fastpaws of Baervan~


  • May summon a spirit animal ally for protection once per day. This being is similar to a bear, and increases in power at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th levels.


  • Race restricted to gnome.
  • Alignment restricted to good.

Glyphscribe of Deneir

GLYPHSCRIBE OF DENEIR: Deneir is the patron of artists, scribes and cartographers. He values the written word, and the information that that word carries, and so do his priests.


  • Glyphscribes are immune to all symbol spells, and the glyph of warding spell.
  • Glyphscribes can cast find trap once per day as a special ability. They can use this ability an additional time at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18. This ability functions as the cleric spell of the same name.
  • At 5th level, Glyphscribes can cast glyph of warding as a special ability once per day. They can use this ability an additional time per day at levels 10, 15, and 20. This ability functions as the cleric spell of the same name.
  • At 11th level, Glyphscribes can cast dispel magic as a special ability once per day. They can use this ability an additional time per day at levels 16, and 20. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.
  • Glyphscribes can cast all symbol spells at their normal level, regardless of sphere.


  • Alignment: May not be Evil
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Mages, or Cleric/Thieves can become glyphscribes

Heartwarder of Sune

HEARTWARDER OF SUNE: Sune teaches that external beauty ultimately reflects ones internal worth. Thus, her followers strive to preserve beauty, both in themselves and in others, whether those othere be individuals or objects, such as works of art.


  • Heartwarders are especially resistant to the influence of mind altering magic. They recieve a +2 bonus to their save vs. spell.
  • Heartwarders may charm person as a special ability once per day. This ability is especially potent, and opponents suffer a -2 to their save. Otherwise, this ability functions as the wizard spell of the same name. The Heartwarder can use this ability an additional time per day at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 20.
  • Hartwarders may cast emotion: Hope as a special ability once per day at level 5. The heartwarder can use this ability an additional time at levels 10, 15 and 20. This spell functions as the wizard spell of the same name.
  • At 11th level, the Heartwarder gains a permenant +1 bonus to charisma.


  • Alignment: May not be Lawful or Evil
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Mages, or Cleric/Thieves can become hartwarders

Minion of Moander

MINION OF MOANDER: Moander, is thought to be dead. However, cults dedicated to the lord of rot continue to exist. Minions of the darkbringer seek to spread rot and decay wherever they go.


  • Minions are immune to the assassin vines and entangle spells.
  • Minions can cast entangle as the spell once per day. <PRO_HESHE> can cast the spell an additional time at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
  • At 11th level, the Minion can cast assassin vines as the spell once per day. <PRO_HESHE> can cast the spell an additional time per day at levels 20 and 30.


  • Alignment: Any evil or chaotic neutral- Multiclass: Cleric/Mages and Cleric/Thieves can be Darkcloaks


  • Alignment: Any evil or chaotic neutral
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Mages and Cleric/Thieves can be Minions

Nightrunner of Mask

NIGHTRUNNER OF MASK: Mask is the god of shadow and intrigue. His goals are always hidden, and his actions are motivated by many layers of schemes and plans. His sect of Nightrunners includes both priests and cleric/thieves who travel the land advancing Mask's agenda.


  • May create a Shadow Eye, an invisible floating eye through which the Nightrunner can scout distant locations. The Nightrunner gains an extra use of this ability at levels, 6, 12, and 18.
  • From 4th level, Nightrunners can suddenly disappear from sight via a magical Shadow Door. The nightrunner gains an extra use of this ability at levels 10 and 16.
  • At 8th level, Nightrunners gain the ability to conjure a creature of pure shadow to fight on their behalf. They gains an extra use of this ability at levels 14 and 20.


  • Alignment: may not Lawful or Good.
  • Multiclass: Cleric/Thieves can be Nightrunners

Priest of Mystra

PRIEST OF MYSTRA: Mystra is known as the Lady of Spells and the Mother of Magic. She tends to the Weave, the magical energies surrounding Faerun which enables mortals to learn and cast spells.


  • May use the 'Arcane Weaving' abilities in place of memorizing priest spells. This ability allows the priest to spontaneously cast one of several wizard spells of one level lower than the sacrificed priest spell.
  • Mystra's Blessing: Cast's priest spells at +1 level


  • May not be Evil.
  • May not dual-class.

Painbearer of Ilmater

PAINBEARER OF ILMATER: Priests of Ilmater are often itinerant, traveling the land looking to assuage suffering wherever it may exist. Painbearers


  • Can cast remove fear at will.
  • +4 to saves against death
  • Painbearers gain a 20% resistance to cold and fire damage
  • At 3rd level, the priest of Ilmater can use Endurance of Ilmater once per day as a special ability. <PRO_HESHE> can use this ability an additional time at levels 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19.

ENDURANCE OF ILMATER: When the priest casts this spell, <PRO_HESHE> doubles the hit points of any creature that <PRO_HESHE> touches (including <PRO_HIMHER>self). In addition, the recipient of the spell gains a +2 to all saves. This ability lasts for 1 turn.


  • Alignment: May not be Evil
  • Multiclass: Multiclass characters may not become painbearers

Special Multiclass Cleric Kits

Abjurist of Mystra(Cleric/Mage)

ABJURIST OF MYSTRA: Mystra is known as the Lady of Spells and the Mother of Magic. She tends to the Weave, which enables mortals to cast spells. One sect of Mystra's clerics, known as Abjurists, can channel the Weave into protective shields, making them excellent spell duelists.


  • When an Abjurist casts Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, or Spell Trap spells, <PRO_HESHE> automatically gets the benefit of a Spell Shield as well. Every Abjurist automatically has these spells in <PRO_HISHER> wizard spellbook.
  • One With the Weave: Abjurists can cast spells slightly more easily than most priests, gaining a -1 bonus to casting time.


  • Alignment: May not be Evil.

Alaghor of Clangeddin (Cleric/Fighter)

ALAGHOR OF CLANGEDDIN: Alaghors are an elite order of fighter/clerics devoted to the dwarven god of war, Clangeddin. They are powerful warriors as well as wise ministers, protecting dwarven communities from threats both physical and spiritual. Alaghors share some abilities with the famed Dwarven Defenders, with whom they often fight side-by-side.


  • Once per day, an Alaghor may use the Hardiness power, gaining 35% resistance to physical attacks for one round per two levels of experience.
  • Alaghors may create a Spiritual Hammer of Clangeddin at will. This weapon of magical force does d4+1 blunt damage and d4 magic damage to foes, and has a chance to briefly Hold undead struck by it. The damage and expertise with which the hammer is wielded increases as the Alaghor gains experience.


  • Must be a dwarf.
  • May not be evil or chaotic.

Monitor of Azuth (Cleric/Mage)

MONITOR OF AZUTH: Azuth is a lesser deity who assists Mystra, the Mother of Magic, in tending to 'the Weave' that enables all magic in Faerun to exist. Followers of Azuth, known as Monitors, are magical enforcers, policing misuse of the Weave by evile practitioners and empowered to challenge even the mightiest spellcasters.


  • Monitors gain a bonus to their effective caster level, making them as effective as single-class spellcasterscasters with equivalent experience (+1 caster level per 5 levels).
  • One With the Weave: Monitors can cast spells slightly more easily than most priests, gaining a -1 bonus to casting time.


  • Alignment: May not be Evil.

Spellbender (Cleric/Mage)

SPELLBENDER: The goddess Mystra rules all magic, and mandates that spellcasters must formulate known spells, and must memorize the patterns of those spells in order to successfully release them. But as with any system, the are gaps and shortcuts that may be used to circumvent the rules. Sorcerers are born with the ability to shape magic directly, though only into a limited number of effects; and wild mages shape spells without discipline, achieving powerful results at the risk of disastrous side-effects. Spellbenders make a science of mapping the ways to bypass Mystra's restrictions. Practicing as generalist clerics as well as studying arcane wizardry, they learn to manipulate the intersection of those two areas of magic.


  • May use the 'Arcane Weaving' ability in place of memorizing priest spells. This ability allows the Spellbender to spontaneously cast one of several wizard spells of one level lower than the sacrificed priest spell.
  • May use the 'Divine Weaving' ability in place of memorizing wizard spells. This ability allows the Spellbender to spontaneously cast one of several priest spells of one level lower than the sacrificed wizard spell.


  • None.

Windrider of Shaundakul

WINDRIDER OF SHAUNDAKUL: A minor deity of travel and exploration, Shaundakul was popular during the heyday of Myth Drannor. Most of his followers are now based in the forests of Cormanthor near the old Elven Court, but they are particularly susceptible to wanderlust, so Windriders may be found singly in almost any locale in the Realms. All of his clergy are also rangers, using outdoor survival skills to aid themselves and others as they travel.


  • When in the Cormanthor Forest, Windriders in need of aid may send a silent distress call. All rangers within 50 miles will instantly know of the Windrider's need and precise location.
  • Once per day per five levels of experience, may Wind Walk, blinking from one location to another almost instantaneously.


  • Alignment: must be Good.

Woodscout of Mielikki (Ranger/Cleric)

WOODSCOUT of MIELIKKI: the Lady of the Forest, Mielikki, helps humanoids commune with the spirits of nature, teaching them to survive in harsh climes. While her ally Silvanus teaches druid to mold nature, Mielikki's Woodscouts train as rangers to live in simple harmony with nature. Woodscouts enjoy the company of civilized beings; they are often found exploring with adventuring parties, striving against unnatural threats while instructing their companions in how to respect nature.


  • Woodscouts combine the abilities of a ranger and cleric simultaneously.
  • Woodscouts may reach Mastery (+++) with longbows or shortbows


  • Alignment: must be Good.

Special Cleric Kits


Ur-Priests are heretical practitioners that have found a way to wrest divine power from the gods with the use of ancient and forbidden rituals. As might be expected, this behavior is frowned upon by the gods, and Ur-Priests have to keep their profession secret or risk persecution or worse.


  • Sphere Access: Very high access. The Ur-Priest gains major access to all spheres except the life, benediction, plant, animal and light spheres.
  • Sap the Spirit: Ur-Priests can use the same techniques to drain living beings of their divine essence in much the same way they do so from the gods; though, of course, mortals do not have much of a divine essence, and so the benefits of this ability are limited. This ability can be used once per day at fifth level. The Ur-Priest can use Sap the Spirit an additional time per day at levels 10, 15 and 20.

SAP THE SPIRIT: This ability deals 1d4 magic damage to a living target per 4 levels of the Ur-Priest (2d4 at 5th level; maximum 6d4 at 20th level). Beginning at 5th level, if the Ur-Priest kills a target with this ability, <PRO_HESHE> casts priest spells at +1 level for 5 rounds.
At 10th level, if the Ur-Priest kills a target with this ability, <PRO_HESHE> also gains the benefits of the spell, Wondrous Recall.


  • Cannot Turn Undead
  • The rituals tax the Ur-Priest, making them more vulnerable to the effects of disease and magic. They gain a -2 penalty to save vs. death and spells.

Deity access: None, despises the gods.

Restrictions: Cannot be of a good or lawful alignment

Druid Kits

Druid Overveiw

Druids have been heavily overhauled in this component to cover a vast array of archetypes. The base class has been replaced by Mystics as the term 'mystic' covers a larger number of character types, one of which is the typical druid. As such, the druid itself has become a kit, with different sybtypes.

The Mystic Base Class


The Druid Kit

The druid kit is broken down into a number of kits each covering



Faiths and Powers mod






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