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GiuseppeELio edited this page May 19, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the FRESCO-Board wiki!

The FLORENCE RADIATIVE PASSIVE COOLING OPEN FRESCO-BOARD, also named for simplicity FRESCO, is aimed to develop an experimental apparatus for measuring the temperature drop and the cooling power of passive radiative cooling materials. In fact, passive radiative cooling is a key technology that reduces the temperature of sky-facing objects through radiative energy transfer between the objects and outer space at 4 K, and it needs an apparatus that correctly provide information about such materials. FRESCO is a datalogger that offers the possibility to monitor ambient temperature, relative humidity, the sample(s) temperature(s), the cooling power using a tailored and suitable PID (proportional integral derivative) to heat up the sample to the ambient temperature and estimate the power spread out directly into the sky transparent window (STW from 8 µm to 13 µm). It is also equipped with a light sensor to characterize the incoming solar radiation and to know the sky temperature using a IR thermometer.

What is doing right now

To date we have done the following:

  • Realization and test of the TDrop Datalogger

  • Test about the communication protocol

  • The full guide available in the documentation explain how to set up a data storage using a InfuxDB server and display the data using Grafana

  • Realization and test of the PCool Datalogger

  • Implementation of a WebApp to fully control the device remotely over a access point or on a WiFi network

  • Time synchronization (to avoid problem in passing from standard time to summer time (DST))

  • Self time adjustment using a WiFi Network (it uses a NTP protocol)

  • Data file storage automatically divided according to the saving date and time

What we are planning to do

Next steps will involve:

  • Long experimental tests on its application field to find any issue

  • Finalizing and sharing the Json script for the Grafana Dashboard

  • Including a OTA (over the air) protocol to self upload the latest firmware version on FRESCO

  • Improving the WebApp

🪲 Solved issues and bugs

  • Time synchronization and misalignment given by the Time Info Zones

  • Data file storage scheduled in folders according to Year -> Month -> Day

  • New WebApp to manage settings parameters

  • Full control over the PCool module allowing the possibility to choose a different reference (a sensor already installed on the TDdrop module or a chosen temperature value)

Support us

Dear reader, if you are interested in the development of FRESCO and its improvement with new features, please support our team by using the support button or by going directly to "Buy Me A Coffee". We are actively working to do our best to achieve a reliable passive radiative cooling measurement apparatus. With your support we will move forward in developing new features, improve the web application experience and make it more essential for your experiments. You can support us directly buying coffees, with a membership and sooner directly buying the FRESCO boards.