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A Matrix puppeting appservice bridge for Zulip

Join the Matrix room if you have any questions or just want to chat.


  • Streams
  • Zulip topics - Matrix threads
  • Direct messages
  • Formatted text* (not all of Zulip's formatting)
  • Matrix puppets
  • Zulip puppets
  • Message Media* (only translating URIs)
  • Presence
  • Reactions
  • Redactions* (only from Matrix in DMs)
  • Replies
  • Typing indicators



  • Python >=3.10
  • Matrix homeserver with ability to add appservices


pip install matrixzulipbridge


docker run{tag} ...
See packages for possible tags

From source

  1. Clone or download this git repository
    git clone
  2. Install Poetry
  3. Install dependencies
    poetry install
  4. Enter the virtual environment
    poetry shell



  1. Generate a registration file
    python3 -m matrixzulipbridge --config config.yaml --generate
  2. Install the appservice on your homeserver
  3. Run the bridge
    python3 -m matrixzulipbridge --config config.yaml


usage: python3 -m matrixzulipbridge [-h] [-v] (-c CONFIG | --version) [-l LISTEN_ADDRESS] [-p LISTEN_PORT] [-u UID] [-g GID] [--generate] [--generate-compat] [--reset] [--unsafe-mode] [-o OWNER] [homeserver]

A puppeting Matrix - Zulip appservice bridge (v0.1.1.dev2+g3ed8ed7)

positional arguments:
  homeserver            URL of Matrix homeserver (default: http://localhost:8008)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         log debug messages
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        registration YAML file path, must be writable if generating (default: None)
  --version             show bridge version
  -l LISTEN_ADDRESS, --listen-address LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        bridge listen address (default: as specified in url in config, otherwise) (default: None)
  -p LISTEN_PORT, --listen-port LISTEN_PORT
                        bridge listen port (default: as specified in url in config, 28464 otherwise) (default: None)
  -u UID, --uid UID     user id to run as (default: None)
  -g GID, --gid GID     group id to run as (default: None)
  --generate            generate registration YAML for Matrix homeserver (Synapse)
  --generate-compat     generate registration YAML for Matrix homeserver (Dendrite and Conduit)
  --reset               reset ALL bridge configuration from homeserver and exit
  --unsafe-mode         allow appservice to leave rooms on error (default: False)
  -o OWNER, --owner OWNER
                        set owner MXID (eg: @user:homeserver) or first talking local user will claim the bridge (default: None)

After registering and launching the bridge, start a chat. You can find the localpart in your registration.yaml
This bridge is mainly configurable through Matrix, send help to get a list of commands

Bridging a stream

In your control room chat with the bridge send:

  1. addorganization {name}
  2. open {name}

In the organization room send:

  1. site
  2. email [email protected]
  3. apikey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. connect
  5. subscribe {zulip stream name}


This bridge is heavily based on Heisenbridge. Thank you, Heisenbridge contributors!