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Releases: Gadiguibou/stdrename


17 Oct 03:20
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The version that killed v1.2.0 (life ~ 2 hours).

  • Added support for piping through the new --text mode !!!

I know what you're thinking...

"How exciting! I can finally type away new function and variable names to be translated to my favourite naming convention interactively!" or "Now, I'll be able to pipe in that big list of file names I needed standardized."

...and you have every right to be excited about such a feature: you could theoretically translate the entire bibliography of Shakespeare, right from your shell, to get rid of that pesky capitalization and finally read it in a more legible format: "snake_case".


17 Oct 01:14
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  • Add support for a global ignore file for stdrename
  • Make exit message count the number of files actually renamed instead of the number of files parsed
  • Make usage info when using --help or -h more concise and legible
  • Add --quiet (or -q) to supress output
  • Show help message if no arguments are provided


20 Aug 17:29
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  • Directories can now be renamed as well using the -D or --dir flags
  • The exit message now includes actually useful information (number of files renamed and time elapsed)
  • The help message includes the link to the GitHub repository for the full documentation


17 Aug 21:20
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stdrename now uses a command-line argument parsing library instead of the previously manual parsing. The result is a much more user-friendly usage and a beautiful automatically generated help page

$ stdrename -h
stdrename v1.0.0
Gabriel Lacroix <[email protected]>
This small utility is designed to rename all files in a folder according to a specified naming convention (camelCase,
snake_case, kebab-case, etc.).

    stdrename [FLAGS] <--camel|--kebab|--pascal|--screaming|--sentence|--snake|--title|--train> [TARGET]

    -p, --pascal       Uses the PascalCase naming convention
        --screaming    Uses the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE naming convention
    -S, --sentence     Uses the Sentence case naming convention
    -T, --title        Uses the Title Case naming convention
    -t, --train        Uses the Train-Case naming convention
    -c, --camel        Uses the camelCase naming convention
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -k, --kebab        Uses the kebab-case naming convention
    -r, --recursive    Makes renaming recursive, renaming files in subfolders as well
    -s, --snake        Uses the snake_case naming convention
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    <TARGET>    Specifies a different target directory


13 Jul 14:12
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This version adds the following features:

  • ignore patterns included in .ignore files
  • use the flag -r as the third argument to rename files in subdirectories as well

First Release

10 Jul 00:19
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First release of a usable version of stdrename.