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Entity Sculptor

Ever wanted to capture the moment your dog sits down and looks at you? Now you can. Use this mod and build a statue. No matter where you take your dog, the blocks stay where they are.


  1. Install Fabric
  2. Put Fabric API and this mod in the mods folder (both server and client)
  3. Optional: Install WorldEdit


Statue Command

/statue <entity> [position] [scale]

Example: dog/wolf statue above you

/statue @e[limit=1,type=minecraft:wolf] ~ ~2 ~

Match Color Command

/matchcolor r g b [a|directions | limit]

Example: best fitting block for yellow (255, 255, 0)

/matchcolor 255 255 0 all 1


an axolotl

statue of an axolotl

living dog looking at you dog statue built out of blocks player in front of dog statue


This mod renders the entity with a custom VertexConsumer, collecting all vertices. Then we interpolate between the vertices, take the pixel from the entity's texture and map it to a block state. All those block states are then sent to the server together with their position.