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Simple grpc performance tool in Python




First start up the server


then a corresponding client


Example results

Tested on i5-8250U CPU (4 cores, 1.60GHZ) with 1000000 messages.

Compression Batch size Result
Gzip 100 75,000 msg/s
Deflate 100 78,000 msg/s
NoCompression 100 90,000 msg/s
Gzip 1 5,100 msg/s
Deflate 1 4,900 msg/s
NoCompression 1 4,600 msg/s

Batching and no compression offers the best throughput when testing locally. This is similar to the results achieved in Conclusions are similar, when network connection becomes an issue I would suspect compression would lead to better results.

What is interesting is that out of the box websockets offers almost 3x better performance than gRPC in certain situations.