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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


WebView app of the Thoughts of Worship website, which can be found here: Note This is the second iteration of the app, as I lost the files to the first one (a reason for me putting this one on GitHub)

To run it, there's two options

Option 1

  • Use one of the APKs in the Release tab
  • Load it onto an android device with at least Android Oreo (8.0)

Option 2

  • Download the source code and open the solution in Visual Studios
  • If you have all the proper libraries installed (Xamarin) then hook up a device for deployment or use an emulator
  • F5 should build it and deploy it to the device
  • If there are any issues let me know.
    • I'm new to using GitHub for my own repositories, so I'm a little unsure to how well the pushing and cloning works

Known Issues (It's still a work in progress)

  • It loads pretty slowly (in my opinion), which makes sense since I'm loading several webpages on bootup
    • I'll work on better way of doing this
  • Links open to the devices browser rather then in the app
    • Not too sure as to why yet, but I'll see what I can find

Planned Features

  1. Better back button support
  2. An actual settings view
  3. A developed about page
  4. A working bug reporting view
    • We'll see how far I get with this one. I've never done cloud based stuff, so that learning curve is going to be slow)
  5. Maybe a refresh button or a refresh gesture
    • i.e swiping down hard or while at the top of the webpage will refresh
  6. An app icon
    • Like I said, I lost the files to my original, so I have to remake it.
      • Luckily I still have the original installed on my phone, so I've been using that as the template
  7. Possibly Notifications
    • I'd have to figure out how to check if a new blog has been posted
  8. Going to webparsing instead of webviews
    • That'll take a while to figure out (I wonder if Weebly has an API...)
  9. A boot animation that actually waits till the app is loaded
    • I couldn't figure it out on the original, but I've got a few ideas
  10. Smaller app size
    • I have no idea why it's so big
      • 53 MBs just for some webviews
        • My guess is that all the app icon sizes that all get installed in the Ad-Hoc APK
        • That or it has something to do with the Xamarin libraries
  11. Maybe move from Xamarin to C++
    • Actually having it built on C++ would be ideal

Built Using

  • Visual Studios 2019
    • And the Mobile Development with .NET workload


Xamarin made the learning process a whole lot easier