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🦖 Generaptor Status Ventis

Generaptor helps you to maintain GitHub actions for your project. It can generate the YAML files, according to the specification defined in your code.

Now you can manage your action definitions via NuGet packages, and port the whole workflows between repositories. A bit of strong typing will also help to avoid mistakes!

NuGet package links:

  • Generaptor
  • Generaptor.Library


Consider this F# program (this is actually used in this very repository):

let mainBranch = "main"
let images = [

let workflows = [
    workflow "main" [
        name "Main"
        onPushTo mainBranch
        onPullRequestTo mainBranch
        onSchedule(day = DayOfWeek.Saturday)
        job "main" [
            yield! dotNetBuildAndTest()
        ] |> addMatrix images

let main(args: string[]): int =
    EntryPoint.Process args workflows

(See the actual example with all the imports in the main program file.)

It will generate the following GitHub action configuration:

name: Main
      - main
      - main
    - cron: 0 0 * * 6
          - macos-12
          - ubuntu-22.04
          - windows-2022
      fail-fast: false
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.image }}
      NUGET_PACKAGES: ${{ github.workspace }}/.github/nuget-packages
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up .NET SDK
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
          dotnet-version: 8.0.x
      - name: NuGet cache
        uses: actions/cache@v4
          key: ${{ runner.os }}.nuget.${{ hashFiles('**/*.fsproj') }}
          path: ${{ env.NUGET_PACKAGES }}
      - name: Build
        run: dotnet build
      - name: Test
        run: dotnet test
        timeout-minutes: 10

How to Use

We recommend two main modes of execution for Generaptor: from a .NET project and from a script file.

.NET Project

This integration is useful if you already have a solution file, and it's more convenient for you to have your infrastructure in a new project in that solution. Follow this instruction.

  1. Create a new F# project in your solution. The location doesn't matter, but we recommend calling it GitHubActions and put inside the Infrastructure solution folder, to not mix it with the main code.

  2. Install the Generaptor.Library NuGet package.

  3. Call the Generaptor.EntryPoint.Process method with the arguments passed to the main function and the list of workflows you want to generate.

  4. Run the program from the repository root folder in your shell, for example:

    $ cd <your-repository-root-folder>
    $ dotnet run --project ./Infrastructure/GitHubActions

    When called with empty arguments of with command generate, it will (re-)generate the workflow files in .github/workflows folder, relatively to the current directory.

Script File

As an alternative execution mode, we also support execution from an F# script file.

Put your code (see an example below) into an .fsx file (say, github-actions.fsx), and run it with the following shell command:

$ dotnet fsi github-actions.fsx [optional parameters may go here]

The script file example:

#r "nuget: Generaptor.Library, 1.1.0"
open System

open Generaptor
open Generaptor.GitHubActions
open type Generaptor.GitHubActions.Commands
open type Generaptor.Library.Actions
open type Generaptor.Library.Patterns

let mainBranch = "main"
let images = [

let workflows = [
    workflow "main" [
        name "Main"
        onPushTo mainBranch
        onPullRequestTo mainBranch
        onSchedule(day = DayOfWeek.Saturday)
        job "main" [
            yield! dotNetBuildAndTest()
        ] |> addMatrix images

EntryPoint.Process fsi.CommandLineArgs workflows

Available Features

For basic GitHub Action support (workflow and step DSL), see the GitHubActions.fs file. The basic actions are in the main Generaptor package.

For advanced patterns and action commands ready for use, see Actions and Patterns files. These are in the auxiliary Generaptor.Library package.

Feel free to create your own actions and patterns, and either send a PR to this repository, or publish your own NuGet packages!


Versioning Notes

This project's versioning follows the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.

When considering compatible changes, we currently only consider the source compatibility with the user scripts, not binary compatibility. This may be subject to change in the future.