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Origami Navigation Service

Provides consistent navigation for FT applications. See the production service for API information.

MIT licensed

Table Of Contents

How to edit navigation data

The navigation data is written in YAML and can be edited via the Github edit tool.

Steps to edit navigation data:

  • Open the navigation data file in the Github edit tool
  • All requests for new or altered links, or other content changes to footer needs to be emailed and confirmed by [email protected] and all changes related to header will need to be consulted with editorial stakeholders.
  • Make the necessary changes
  • Press the "Commit changes" button
  • Add a comment which explains what you are changing and why
  • Press the "Create pull request" button
  • Someone from Origami will review your changes before merging them into production

How to update example markup

The Origami Navigation Service example page displays o-header and o-footer components populated with the latest navigation data.

To update the example page update the Handlebars templates within the /views directory. Do not manually edit views/partials/build, files in this directory are generated using npm run build. This allows us to generate HTML for o-header using its TSX templates, which can then be included within our Handlebars templates. At the time of writing o-footer does not yet provide TSX templates.

Note: Some users choose to copy markup from the example page to get a snapshot of navigation data for o-header and o-footer components, though we do not recommend this in most cases as the data quickly becomes out of date.


Running Origami Navigation Service requires Node.js and npm.

Running Locally

Before we can run the application, we'll need to install dependencies:

npm install

And then we'll need to build the application:

npm run build

Run the application in development mode with

make run-dev

Now you can access the app over HTTP on port 8080: http://localhost:8080/__origami/service/navigation/v2


We configure Origami Navigation Service using environment variables. In local development, we don't have to configure .env file unless you would like to specify NODE_ENV or PORT. In production, these are set through doppler project config.

Required everywhere

  • NODE_ENV: The environment to run the application in. One of production, development (default), or test (for use in automated tests).
  • PORT: The port to run the application on.

Required in Heroku

  • CHANGE_API_KEY: The change-log API key to use when creating and closing change-logs.
  • CMDB_API_KEY: The API key to use when performing CMDB operations
  • FASTLY_PURGE_API_KEY: A Fastly API key which is used to purge URLs (when somebody POSTs to the /purge endpoint)
  • FT_GRAPHITE_APP_UUID: The UUID of the application in Graphite.
  • GRAPHITE_API_KEY: The FT's internal Graphite API key.
  • PURGE_API_KEY: The API key to require when somebody POSTs to the /purge endpoint. This should be a non-memorable string, for example a UUID
  • RELEASE_ENV: The Salesforce environment to include in change-logs. One of Test or Production
  • RELEASE_LOG_API_KEY: The change request API key to use when creating and closing release logs
  • RELEASE_LOG_ENVIRONMENT: The environment to include in release-logs. One of Test or Production
  • REGION: The region the application is running in. One of QA, EU, or US
  • SENTRY_DSN: The Sentry URL to send error information to.
  • SYSTEM_CODE: The BizOps system code

Operational Documentation

The source documentation for the runbook and healthcheck endpoints are stored in the operational-documentation folder. These files are pushed to CMDB upon every promotion to production. You can push them to CMDB manually by running the following command:

make cmdb-update


The tests are split into unit tests and integration tests. To run tests on your machine you'll need to install Node.js and run make install. Then you can run the following commands:

make test              # run all the tests
make test-unit         # run the unit tests
make test-integration  # run the integration tests

You can run the unit tests with coverage reporting, which expects 90% coverage or more:

make test-unit-coverage verify-coverage

The code will also need to pass linting on CI, you can run the linter locally with:

make verify

We run the tests and linter on CI, you can view [results on CI][ci]. make test and make lint must pass before we merge a pull request.


The production (EU/US) and QA applications run on Heroku. We deploy continuously to QA via [CI][ci], you should never need to deploy to QA manually. We use a Heroku pipeline to promote QA deployments to production.

You can promote either through the Heroku interface, or by running the following command locally:

make promote



We've outlined some common issues that can occur in the running of the Navigation Service:

What do I do if memory usage is high?

For now, restart the Heroku dynos:

heroku restart --app origami-navigation-service-eu
heroku restart --app origami-navigation-service-us

If this doesn't help, then a temporary measure could be to add more dynos to the production applications, or switch the existing ones to higher performance dynos.

What if I need to deploy manually?

If you really need to deploy manually, you should only do so to QA. Production deploys should always be a promotion from QA.

You'll need to provide an API key for change request logging. You can get this from Vault in teams/origami/navigation-service. Now deploy to QA using the following:

make deploy


The Financial Times has published this software under the MIT license.