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v5.24 Release

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@github-actions github-actions released this 01 Apr 13:12
· 33 commits to main since this release

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FastEndpoints needs sponsorship to sustain the project. Please help out if you can.

New 🎉

Customize error response Content-Type globally The default `content-type` header value for all error responses is `application/problem+json`. The default can now be customized as follows:
app.UseFastEndpoints(c => c.Errors.ContentType = "application/json")
'DontAutoSend()' support for 'Results<T1,T2,...>' returning endpoint handler methods

When putting a post-processor in charge of sending the
response, it was not previously supported when the handler method returns a Results<T1,T2,...>. You can now use the DontAutoSend() config option with such endpoint

'ProblemDetails' per instance title transformer

You can now supply a delegate that will transform the Title field of ProblemDetails responses based on some info present on the final problem details instance.
For example, you can transform the final title value depending on the status code of the response like so:

ProblemDetails.TitleTransformer = p => p.Status switch
    400 => "Validation Error",
    404 => "Not Found",
    _ => "One or more errors occurred!"
Setting for allowing empty request DTOs

By default, an exception will be thrown if you set the TRequest of an endpoint to a class type that does not have any bindable properties. This behavior can now be
turned off if your use case requires empty request DTOs.

app.UseFastEndpoints(c => c.Endpoints.AllowEmptyRequestDtos = true)
sealed record HelloRequest;

sealed class MyEndpoint : Endpoint<HelloRequest>
    public override void Configure()
        Description(x => x.ClearDefaultAccepts()); //this will be needed for POST requests
Ability to specify output file name with 'ExportSwaggerJsonAndExitAsync()'

It is now possible to customize the name of the exported swagger.json file when exporting a swagger document to disk with the ExportSwaggerJsonAndExitAsync() method.

Improvements 🚀

Support async setup activity that contributes to WAF creation in 'AppFixture'

Previously it was not possible to do any setup activity that directly contributes to the creation of the WAF instance. Now it can be achieved like so:

using Testcontainers.MongoDb;

public class Sut : AppFixture<Program>
    const string Database = "TestingDB";
    const string RootUsername = "root";
    const string RootPassword = "password";

    MongoDbContainer _container = null!;

    protected override async Task PreSetupAsync()
        // anything that needs to happen before the WAF is initialized can be done here.
        _container = new MongoDbBuilder()
        await _container.StartAsync();

    protected override void ConfigureApp(IWebHostBuilder b)
            c =>
                    new Dictionary<string, string?>
                        { "Mongo:Host", _container.Hostname },
                        { "Mongo:Port", _container.GetMappedPublicPort(27017).ToString() },
                        { "Mongo:DbName", Database },
                        { "Mongo:UserName", RootUsername },
                        { "Mongo:Password", RootPassword }

    protected override async Task TearDownAsync()
        => await _container.DisposeAsync();
Automatically rewind request stream with 'IPlainTextRequest' when 'EnableBuffering()' is used.

It was not possible to manually re-read the request body stream due to IPlainTextRequest automatically consuming the stream even with the use of EnableBuffering().
The stream will now be automatically re-wound if EnableBuffering() is detected in order to allow re-reading the stream by the user.

Filter out illegal header names from being created as request parameters in Swagger docs

According to the OpenApi Spec, there are certain header names that are not allowed as part of the regular parameter specification in the Swagger Spec. These
Headers (Accept, Content-Type and Authorization) are described using other OpenApi fields. The FE Swagger generation did not previously respect/filter them out
when processing properties marked with [FromHeader].

'[FromBody]'attribute support for strongly-typed integration testing

There was no support for correctly integration testing an endpoint where its request DTO had a property decorated with [FromBody] attribute. This scenario is now
correctly implemented and handled by the strongly-typed extension methods for the HttpClient.

Hydrate typed integration testing route url with values from request DTO

Until now, when a strongly-typed integration test calls the endpoint, it was using a faux url with the correct number of route segments so that the correct endpoint
gets called. Now, if there's a request DTO instance present, the actual values from the request DTO properties would be substituted resulting an actual url being
called with actual values you supply during the test.

Fixes 🪲

Prevent duplicate Swagger tag descriptions

An issue was reported with the swagger tag descriptions being repeated one for each endpoint in the generated swagger document. It has been fixed to prevent that from
happening under any circumstances.