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v5.21 Release

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@github-actions github-actions released this 02 Jan 05:33
· 185 commits to main since this release

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New 🎉

Api Client generation using Kiota

Kiota is now the recommended way to generate API Clients. Please see the documentation on how
to use it. The previous methods for client generation using NSwag are still valid but may be deprecated at a future point in time.

Attribute based Pre/Post Processor configuration

When doing simple attribute based endpoint configuration instead of using the Configure() method, you can now add pre/post processors to the endpoint like so:

sealed class Endpoint : Endpoint<Request, Response>
    public override Task HandleAsync(Request r, CancellationToken c)
Ability to specify descriptions with ACL generation

You can now specify a description/xml doc summary for individual permission items when source generating them. See the documentation on how to use it.

[HideFromDocs] attribute for removing properties from Swagger schema
sealed class MyRequest
    public int Internal { get; set; } //this will not appear in swagger schema

    public string Name { get; set; }

Improvements 🚀

Treat validation rules with conditions attached as optional properties in Swagger spec.

If a validation rule is conditional, like in the example below, that particular DTO property will be considered optional and will not be marked as required in the Swagger Schema.

RuleFor(x => x.Id) //this property will be a required property in the swagger spec
    .NotEmpty();   //because there's no 'When(...)' condition attached to it.

RuleFor(x => x.Age) //this will be an optional property in swagger spec because
    .NotEmpty()     //'NotEmpty()' is conditional.

For this to work, the rules have to be written separately as above. I.e. the .When(...) condition must proceed immediately after the .NotEmpty() or .NotNull() rule.

Support for 'UrlSegmentApiVersionReader' of 'Asp.Versioning.Http'

Only the HeaderApiVersionReader was previously supported. Support for doing versioning based on URL segments using the Asp.Versioning.Http package is now working

Automatically forward endpoint attribute annotations

When using attribute annotations to configure endpoints, any custom attributes were not automatically added to endpoint metadata previously. You would've had to do the following and use the Configure() method for configuration instead if you had some custom attributes you needed to use:

Description(b => b.WithMetadata(new CustomAttribute()));

Now, all custom attributes are automatically added/forwarded to endpoint metadata when you configure endpoints using attribute annotations.

[HttpGet("/"), CustomAttribute]
public class Endpoint : Endpoint<Request, Response>

Note: you still have to choose one of the strategies for endpoint configuration (attributes or configure method). Mixing both is not allowed.

Optimize source generators

All source generators were refactored to reduce GC pressure by reducing heap allocations. Allocations are now mostly done when there's actually a need to regenerate the
source code.

Micro optimization with 'Concurrent Dictionary' usage

Concurrent dictionary GetOrAdd() overload with lambda parameter seems to perform a bit better in .NET 8. All locations that were using the other overload was changed to use the overload with the lambda.

Fixes 🪲

'JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower' was causing incorrect Swagger Schema properties

Snake case policy did not exist before .NET 8, so it's usage was not accounted for in the Swagger operation processor, which has now been corrected.