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42 Kickoff Files

ftekdrmi's 42 stats

Part 1: Junior

Project Name Score Description
Libft ftekdrmi's 42 Libft Score You will need to recode a few functions of the C standard library as well as some other utility functions that you will use during your whole cursus.
ft_printf ftekdrmi's 42 ft_printf Score This project is pretty straightforward, you have to recode printf.
get_next_line ftekdrmi's 42 get_next_line Score May it be a file, stdin, or even later a network connection, you will always need a way to read content line by line.
Born2beroot ftekdrmi's 42 Born2beroot Score This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization.
minitalk ftekdrmi's 42 minitalk Score The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals.
so_long ftekdrmi's 42 so_long Score This project is a small 2D game with minilibx. You'll learn about textures, sprites and tiles.
push_swap ftekdrmi's 42 push_swap Score This project involves sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, and the smallest number of moves. To make this happen, you will have to manipulate various sorting algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution(s) for optimized data sorting.

Part 2: Mid-Level

Project Name Score Description
Philosophers ftekdrmi's 42 Philosophers Score Eat, Sleep, Spaghetti, repeat. This project is about learning how threads work by precisely timing a group of philosophers on when to pick up forks and eat spaghetti without dying from hunger.
minishell ftekdrmi's 42 minishell Score The objective of this project is for you to create a simple shell.
NetPractice ftekdrmi's 42 NetPractice Score NetPractice is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking.
cub3d ftekdrmi's 42 cub3d Score This project is inspired by the world-famous eponymous 90's game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you'll have to find your way.
CPP Module 00 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 00 Score This first module of C++ is designed to help you understand the specifities of the language when compared to C. Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming!
CPP Module 01 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 01 Score This module is designed to help you understand the memory allocation, reference, pointers to members and the usage of the switch in CPP.
CPP Module 02 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 02 Score This module is designed to help you understand Ad-hoc polymorphism, overloads and orthodox canonical classes in CPP.
CPP Module 03 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 03 Score This module is designed to help you understand Inheritance in CPP.
CPP Module 04 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 04 Score This module is designed to help you understand Subtype polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces in CPP.
CPP Module 05 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 05 Score This module is designed to help you understand Try/Catch and Exceptions in CPP.
CPP Module 06 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 06 Score This module is designed to help you understand the different casts in CPP.
CPP Module 07 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 07 Score This module is designed to help you understand Templates in CPP.
CPP Module 08 ftekdrmi's 42 CPP Module 08 Score This module is designed to help you understand templated containers, iterators and algorithms in CPP.

Part 3: Senior

Project Name Score Description
Inception ftekdrmi's 42 Inception Score This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.
ft_irc ftekdrmi's 42 ft_irc Score Create your own IRC server in C++, fully compatible with an official client.
ftekdrmi's 42 ft_containers Score
The multiple available containers in C++ all have a very different usage. To make sure you understand them all, let's re-implement them!
ft_transcendence ftekdrmi's 42 ft_transcendence Score Surprise


Exam Name Score Description
Exam Rank 02 ftekdrmi's 42 Exam Rank 02 Score 🔥EXAM RANK 02🔥
Exam Rank 03 ftekdrmi's 42 Exam Rank 03 Score 🔥EXAM RANK 03🔥
Exam Rank 04 ftekdrmi's 42 Exam Rank 04 Score 🔥EXAM RANK 04🔥
Exam Rank 05 ftekdrmi's 42 Exam Rank 05 Score 🔥EXAM RANK 05🔥
Exam Rank 06 ftekdrmi's 42 Exam Rank 06 Score 🔥EXAM RANK 06🔥