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Projects for the Full Stack Open web development course from the University of Helsinki covering front end and back end development

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Full Stack Open 2023

This repository includes my projects and solutions for the Full Stack Open course from the prestigious University of Helsinki.

This comprehensive course is known for its exceptional quality and rigorous curriculum, covering essential web development skills and modern technologies such as:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
  • Relational Databases
  • TypeScript
  • React Native
  • Unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing
  • CI/CD

Course Contents and Projects Summary


  • HTTP requests
  • JSON
  • The Document Object Model (DOM)
  • JavaScript libraries


Sequence diagrams - Diagrams to illustrate the chain of events during network communication for single page apps and for traditional apps


  • React
  • Props
  • Event handlers
  • State management using hooks


  • Course Info - A simple page to display course information.
  • Unicafe - A feedback page and statistics page to demonstrate state using React hooks.
  • Anecdotes - A page that shows the user random anecdotes that can be voted upon.


  • HTTP requests using axios
  • 3rd party APIs
  • Forms
  • Rendering collections of data from the server


  • Course Info 2 - A continuation of the project from the part 1 that has been refactored into a more maintainable structure
  • Countries - A page that pulls country and weather data from 3rd party APIs as the user searches for country names.
  • Phonebook Front End - A phonebook front end that displays and filters phonebook entries. New entries can be added, deleted, or modified. JSON server is used as a mock REST API.


  • REST APIs using Node.js and Express
  • MongoDB with Mongoose
  • Express middleware for logging, error handling, etc.
  • ESlint



  • Unit testing and integration testing Express back ends with Jest and SuperTest
  • User entication using using JSON web tokens
  • Password hashing using bcrypt


  • Blog List back End - A RESTful back end in Express for creating, reading, and updating blog post data. Certain endpoints are limited to authenticated users only. Unit and integration tests were done using Jest and SuperTest.



  • Blog List front End - A React front end for the blog list back end from the previous part. Users can add or like their favourite blog posts. Unit testing of React components using Jest and React Testing Library. End-to-End testing of the full stack application using Cypress.



  • Unicafe Redux - The unicafe app from part 1 revisited with Redux for state management. Tests for the reducer implemented using Jest.
  • Redux Anecdotes - The anecdotes app from part 1 revisited with Redux for state management. Uses reducers for notifications, filtering data, and initializing/adding/voting for anecodtes. Uses Redux Thunk middleware for for asynchronous actions.
  • Query Anecdotes - The anecdotes app enhanced with React Query for fetching and mutating data, and React's context and reducer for notifications. Implements useQuery and useMutation hooks for handling anecdotes and votes, alongside global notifications managed through custom hooks.


Part 8- GraphQL



  • Library Front End / Library Back End - A full-stack application that offers comprehensive book and author information, enabling users to add new books to the database. It leverages Apollo Server on the backend to manage GraphQL queries and Apollo Client on the frontend for sending queries and caching results. The app utilizes subscriptions to keep the frontend in sync with updates from the MongoDB database.


Projects for the Full Stack Open web development course from the University of Helsinki covering front end and back end development







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