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Building the package

Juan Gonzalez-Gomez edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 8 revisions

Releases and files

  • VERSION: It stores the stable version (The one downloaded by apio stable). DO NOT change this files unles you know exactly what you are doing. Usually it is changed to a new version after it has been tested during the development cycle
  • VERSION_DEV: It store the develop version (The one downloaded by apio development)

Creating a new version of the package

A new prerelease will be created. It will not affet the current stable release or development release

  • Open the file
  • Set the DATE of the source oss-cad-suite package to use. For example:
# -- DATE. It is used for getting the oss-cad-suite source package
# -- If you want to genete an updated oss-cad-suite apio packages
# -- set the new date
  • Set the version of the new release (Usually it is different from the stable and development versions
# -- Set the version for the new package
  • Commit the changes

The packages for the different architectures can be generated either locally (executing the script) or by launching manually the Release github action

Local Building

For building the packages execute the script passing the target arquitecture as a parameters

  • Target architectures:
Architecture Description
linux_x86_64 Linux Intel 64 bits
linux_aarch64 Linux ARM 64-bits
windows_amd64 Windows 64 bits
darwin Mac 64 bits

Final packages will be deployed in the _packages directory.

  • Example: Building the package for Linux 64-bits:
./ linux_x86_64

This is the generated package:


Release github Action

  • Go to the Actions tab
  • Select the Release Worflow
  • Click on Run workflow

It will automatically create a new Release and upload the packages for all the platforms

  • Edit the release and write the text describing the changes

Testing the new release

One the new pre-release is read, it can be installed in apio using this command:

apio install oss-cad-suite@version

Where version is the one used for generating the pre-release

Converting to stable or development version

Just place the pre-release version in the files VERSION or VERSION_DEV. The effect is that the command apio install oss-cad-suite will install this version by default