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  • This repository is part of an early-stage WiFi and camera data fusion-based human detection and motion estimation project.
  • The goal of our research is to develop a multimodal-based computer vision technology to detect and track objects beyond walls by adding IEEE 802.11 standard WiFi signals.
  • A multimodal approach that additionally utilizes WiFi signals can complement problems such as obstacles and object obscuration that occur in existing camera-based security and computer vision through the radio frequency (RF) signal characteristics.

This repository's purpose is to support building the CSI-enabled TP-Link AC1750 Wi-Fi drivers for Intel 5300 NIC adapters on Linux distributions with Ubuntu 14.01 versions. This code has been tested on Ubuntu 14.01, 16.04, and 18.04, where we recommend setting up the CSI toolkit on the Ubuntu 18.04 version.

The code presented here comprises a modified and merged version of the Linux kernel, such as the firmware command, and error lines of the original baseline. The modifications were made by examining the code provided by dhalperi/linux-80211n-csitool and adapting them to more recent Linux kernel versions - iwlwifi and wlp1s0 modules. The building and installation instructions were taken from the original Linux 802.11n CSI Tool website and adapted accordingly. Moreover, I referred to the synchronization method between CSI and Camera from CSI-Tool-Camera-Shooting.

Additionally, initial toolkit issues have been discussed among mobility detection researchers using WiFi signals and Channel State Information (CSI). To this end, we provide a calculation function newly_csi_analyzer.m of amplitude and phase, and signal processing from the acquired CSI samples. Herein, I referred to novel approaches DensePose From WiFi and Can WiFi Estimate Person Pose?.

Experiment configuration

WiFi signals and human posture correlation

  • The experimental results demonstrate that WiFi signal characteristics vary according to human postures. Specifically, the difference in phase values between standing and sitting postures is more pronounced. This suggests that the distinct signal features can be employed for accurately training multimodal deep learning models for object detection, tracking, and pose estimation without solely relying on vision information.

Project Members

Youngwoo Oh (M.S. student, Project leader from May 2023 to Feb. 2024 (for 10 months))

  • Integrated data fusion between WiFi signals and captured video from the router and cameras by developing the Linux toolkit codes.
  • Responsible for data fusion and SW/HW configuration and Produced a Teacher-Student approach to detect and track objects beyond walls and obstacles.
  • Wrote papers for the 2024 Winter Conference on Korea Information and Communications Society (KICS) titled "Collection and Analysis of CSI in IEEE 802.11n Wireless LAN Environments for WiFi Signal-Based Human Mobility Detection" and "Design and Implementation of a MultiModal Learning Model for RF-Based Object Tracking Methods".

Islam Helemy (Ph.D. student, Project member)

  • Responsible for the development of the Multi-modal AI and the pre-processing to generate training data pairs (CSI samples-captured images).
  • He will receive a project leader position on this future project after Mar. 2024.

Iftikhar Ahmad (Ph.D. student, Project member)

  • Focused on developing the Teacher network in the multi-modal AI model.

Manal Mosharaf (M.S. student, Project member)

  • Engaged in developing the Student network in the multi-modal AI model.

Jungtae Kang (Undergraduate student, Project follower)

  • Supporting the generation of CSI samples and Camera images.

1. Installation instructions of integrated CSI toolkit

(1). Kernel version:

Before proceeding further, you need to check the version of your kernel. It should be 4.15, otherwise, the commands below won't work. The following command will print that information:

uname -r

(2). First download the essential packages:

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) git-core
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update

If you don't need to install this gcc version, skip the below line :)

sudo apt-get install gcc-8 g++-8
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install pkg-config 
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt update

(3). Check the GCC version:

ls -l /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/g++

(4). Build and install the modified wireless LAN driver:

sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r) git-core
CSITOOL_KERNEL_TAG=csitool-$(uname -r | cut -d . -f 1-2)
git clone
cd IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/linux-80211n-csitool
git checkout ${CSITOOL_KERNEL_TAG}
make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd)/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi modules
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd)/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi INSTALL_MOD_DIR=updates

(5). Install the Modified firmware:

for file in /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-*.ucode; do sudo mv $file $file.orig; done
sudo cp IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/supplementary/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode.sigcomm2010 /lib/firmware/
sudo ln -s iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode.sigcomm2010 /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode

(6). Build the userspace logging tool:

make -C IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/supplementary/netlink

(7). Unzip OpenCV to utilize the USB camera:

cd IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/camera_tool
cd opencv-

(8). Compile and install OpenCV:

cmake ..
sudo make install

(9). Configuration OpenCV:

sudo gedit /etc/

Then add the /usr/local/lib command to the file.

sudo ldconfig
sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

Then add the following command to the end of the file:

sudo reboot

(10). Compile user-application:

cd IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/supplementary/netlink
sudo gedit /etc/

Then add the /usr/local/lib command to the file.


2. Guideline Operation of integrated CSI toolkit

(1). setting of the WiFi router and wireless LAN card:

The below comments (1) only need to be performed once after turning on the computer.

iw dev wlp1s0 link
sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi mac80211
sudo modprobe iwlwifi connector_log=0x1

The below comment returns the MAC address, such as XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.

sudo ls /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/netdev:wlp1s0/stations/

Check the supported modulation, and transmission rate table from the connected WiFi

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/netdev:wlp1s0/stations/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX/rate_scale_table

Set the transmit rate from the checked table. In our case, we set it as 0x4007 (16-QAM, 1/2).

echo 0x4007 | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/netdev:wlp1s0/stations/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX/rate_scale_table
echo 0x4007 | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/iwlwifi/iwldvm/debug/bcast_tx_rate
echo 0x4007 | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/iwlwifi/iwldvm/debug/monitor_tx_rate

(2). Starting this toolkit program (utilized three kernel terminals):

sudo dhclient wlp1s0

comment under kernel terminal,

where the camera parameters constructed [Camera ID] [Save Interval] [Auto Exit]

[Camera ID]: This parameter controls which camera to use when the computer has multiple cameras. When set to 0, the program will use the first camera. When set to 1, the program will use the second camera.

[Save Interval]: This parameter controls the speed at which images are saved. When set to 0, the program will save each frame of the camera. When set to 1, the program will save an image every other frame.

[Auto Exit]: This parameter controls whether the program automatically exits when CSI collects stops. When set to 0, This program will always run. When set to 1, This program will automatically exit when no CSI is acquired within 1 second.

Open the first Linux kernel and write the below command:

cd IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/supplementary/netlink/camera 0 1 0

Open the second Linux kernel to execute 'log_to_file':

cd IEEE-802.11n-CSI-Camera-Synchronization-Toolkit/supplementary/netlink/log_to_file test.dat

Open another kernel terminal, where ping testing is a way to encourage the collection of more CSI samples:

ping -i 0.3