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Releases: ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS

ExpressLRS V3.4.2

02 Jun 03:10
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Changes from 3.4.1

  • Fix WebUI gzip reminder when flashing ESP8285 receivers #2724
  • Improved WiFi with more captive portal junk #2738
  • Fix for ESP8285 RX as TX #2728
  • Fix immediately leaving bind mode if initial rate change pending #2745
  • Flashing progress time increase to 10s for ESP8285 #2750
  • Fix webui config heap allocation on ESP32 #2727
  • Fix YAW channel triggering VTXAdmin #2740


This is a bugfix/patch release and is compatible with earlier 3.x versions.

Who should update from V3.4.1?

  • This release contains no critical fixes requiring a mandatory update.
  • This release does contain quality of life features such as improved WiFi handling.

ExpressLRS V3.4.1

22 May 21:20
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Changes from 3.4.0

  • FIX: Binding phrases containing a zero in any of the last 4 positions of the UID were considered "unbound" and would always boot to binding mode / never connect. #2721


This is a bugfix/patch release and is compatible with earlier 3.x versions.

Who should update from V3.4.0?

  • Users having trouble getting a sync with a receiver because there's a single digit zero(0) in one of the last 4 positions of their binding UID (e.g. 153,25,0,33,158,73)

ExpressLRS V3.4.0

18 May 11:47
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Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Flashing both the TX and RX are recommended but not required.
  • Lua script should be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a feature release version (meaning it contains new features, targets and bug-fixes) and is compatible with all V3.X versions.

Who should update from V3.3?

  • This release contains critical bugs fixes for PWM and LBT (Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400) users. These users MUST upgrade.
  • Anyone who is interested in the latest and greatest features listed below

Who should NOT update from V3.3?

  • No one

Team Race

#2176 TeamRace allows multiple receivers to be connected to one transmitter at the same time, while selecting between them using a switch / 6-pos. The inactive receivers are failsafed, not outputting PWM or channel data via UART, and do not send telemetry. Don’t try to have multiple things in the air at the same time with this feature, or do, if legally allowed to.
Feature demo (eng sub available).

Added serial protocol HoTT Telemetry

#2408 First PWM receivers, then SBUS. What’s next? The ELRS team is excited to announce even more support for the growing community of ELRS enthusiasts flying fixed wing or helicopter models by providing access to external telemetry sensors without the use of flight controllers or DIY data hubs. The new serial protocol HoTT Telemetry allows connecting the wide range of readily available HoTT telemetry sensors to ESP32 and ESP8285 receivers. Even multiple HoTT sensors can be connected in parallel. See HoTT Telemetry Notes for more details.

PWM extensions

#2346 DShot output for PWM receivers
#2425 Configurable I2C pins for PWM capable (ESP32) receivers
#2535 PWM failsafe modes, like no-pulse, hold, and custom set position
#2624 WebUI: prevent multiple I2C SCL/SDA selections

Better binding experience

#2542 Allow all binding methods on RX
#2523 Support CRSF bind command from BetaFlight / EdgeTX
#2424 RX remembers last packet rate on disconnect for faster connect

  • Put a receiver into Bind Mode any time with or without bind info, and the receiver won’t leave bind mode (into wifi mode) if any request has put it there.
  • Bind from within Betaflight Configurator (10.10, BF4.5.0) or the Lua. Keep your receivers tucked away!
  • EdgeTX 2.11 will support putting a receiver into bind mode or completing a bind right from the model’s module UI.
  • Volatile Bind: Bind Info is forgotten on power-cycle. Best suited for shared crafts, and lending is much easier!

Gemini Xrossband (GemX) dual-band radio

#2540 GemX adds support for the LR1121, a 3rd generation transceiver from Semtech. With a single chip it is possible to use either 150-960MHz (sub-GHz) or 2.4GHz LoRa. The sub-GHz range is fully compatible with the current ELRS 433/868/900 range, and has the added benefit of +100mW output. It is also fully compatible with all 2.4GHz LoRa modes, but unfortunately, FLRC modes are not supported.

4 new RF modes have been added for the LR1121.

  • sub-GHz 250Hz (-111dBm)... YES we are going faster!
  • sub-GHz 200Hz Full (-111dBm) This mode is especially targeting our Mavlink users. The packet rate is double that of the current 900 SX1276 hardware.
  • Dual band X150Hz (-112dBm) Simultaneous sub-GHz and 2.4GHz transmissions in Gemini mode.
  • Dual band X100Hz Full (-112dBm) Simultaneous sub-GHz and 2.4GHz transmissions in Gemini mode.

Sentinel antenna tracker integration via wireless telemetry over ESPNOW

#2370 The Sentinel AAT now supports wireless tracking from the ExpressLRS backpack. There is also a DIY ExpressLRS Option. In addition, all telemetry items (Position, Attitude, Battery, LinkStats) are now broadcast from the backpack using ESPNOW. Telemetry broadcast can also be disabled from the Lua.

Move targets to separate repository

#2400 This allows the dev team to add new targets as soon as they have been tested/passed, if they don't require firmware changes to support them.

New Targets

With the separation of the targets from the main firmware repository we will list only those targets that are only supported from this release onwards.
Any new targets that have been added that can be supported by older firmware will just show up in Configurator.

"Match TX" telemetry power option

#2242 The Lua’s Other Devices -> RX -> Tlm Power now contains MatchTX as an option if the receiver supports changing power. It will attempt to match the transmitter’s output power, which is available in Fullres mode and Wide switch mode, but starts at default power until an update from the transmitter is received. Your Gemini 1W RX may not catch fire while waiting for a GPS lock.

Added US433 domains

#2309 Adds 2 new regulatory domains, US433 and US433-Wide. US433 is 8 hops in the 4.75MHz between 433.25MHz and 438MHz, while US433-Wide is 20 hops in the 14.5MHz between 423.5MHz and 438MHz. Expanding these bands will reduce the chance of interference while running 433MHz ExpressLRS links, enable Gemini 433MHz to run without self-interference, and allow more 433MHz ExpressLRS users to run simultaneously without concern.

ESP32-S3 target support

#2410 Support for ESP32-S3 targets
#2463 Get thermal info from S3 if no LM75A
#2472 Fix esp32s3 and backpack passthrough flashing settings
#2494 Allow flashing of the backpack on S3 via USB

OLED/TFT menu updates

#2322 Configurable OLED/TFT startup splash screen
#2432 Added switch-mode and Gemini settings

UDP/WiFi Joystick support

#2444 Adds a Joystick that sends data via UDP/WIFI that allows adding joystick support to simulators on platforms that don’t allow or support the existing Bluetooth/USB joystick options. The WiFi joystick support is implemented in the simulator itself and so the restrictions of iOS can be avoided. The protocol is described in the PR and all simulators can add support for this feature.

SPI VTx control

#2515 VTX SPI output calibration routine and initial PWM value config
#2583 Fixed VTX PWM array initialization for unified ESP32 targets

Support for non-EdgeTX handsets

#2528 PPM handset support

Support for BMP280/BME280 I2C barometers on receivers

#2480 Add BMP280/BME280 I2C barometer support


#2316 Allow SPI VTx operation without an FC, for use with planes/cars etc that do not use a flight controller
#2322 Display a logo on OLED/TFT boot


#2323 Fix backpack on Gemini 900 target
#2324 Disable MSP VTx after no comms on boot
#2365 Bring back full 16 Channel support
#2406 Work around hardware bug in ESP32-S3 SPI implementation for SPI connected VTx
#2415 Add float support to Lua
#2416 Fix Lua for SELECT types with only one value
#2422 Various web UI fixes and improvements
#2429 Hide Lua backpack items if the backpack is disabled
#2478 SUMD not working at packet rates above 100Hz
#2522 Pin AsyncTCP to a specific version (The upstream released a broken version!)
#2520 Allow screen rotation for TFT screens
#2525 Disable processing MSP VTX commands if there is no SPI VTx
#2536 Pick SSID with strongest RSSI in mesh networks with multiple identical SSIDs
#2550 Allow setting the destination for CRSF MSP packets (fixes integration with rotorflight)
#2567 Fix error when radio chip failed to read
#2568 Update the wifi power levels
#2588 PWM testing/fixes
#2589 Increase SX1276 SyncPktIntervalDisconnected for 25Hz
#2590 Add file drag-and-drop to web UI update tab
#2615 Pass through handset channels if headtracking switch is off
#2619 Fix "Not set" UID badge in web UI
#2622 Fix antenna value for Diversity/Gemini receivers
... and Numerous LBT fixes

Dropped/Deprecated Features

  • Loan Model (superseded by the New Binding Features; see #2542)

Known Issues

ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC3

27 Apr 23:00
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ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC3 Pre-release

Changes since RC2

  • Hide button color editors in web UI #2668
  • Add missing LNA gain to the hardware.html page #2670
  • Fix TX logging with I2C #2675
  • Fix boot-loop when no hardware definition uploaded #2674
  • LBT 50hz RSSI settling time #2672
  • Wait for multiple errors before stopping the wifi joystick #2680
  • Reset LQ to 100% on packet rate cycling #2682
  • Fix PWM issue of esp8266 device when duty is 0 #2684

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • This is a release candidate. We have tested it using our release test plan, but there may still be bugs. Don't flash it to anything important. We appreciate the community testing.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a feature release version (meaning it contains new features, targets and bug-fixes) and is compatible with all V3.X versions.

Who should update from V3.3?

  • Our 35 LBT users
  • All PWM users
  • Anyone who is interested in the latest and greatest features listed below

Who should NOT update from V3.3?

  • No one

New Features

More detail on the below features will be added with coming RCs and the final release.

Team Race


"Match TX" telemetry power option


Added US433 domains


Sentinel antenna tracker integration via wireless telemetry over ESPNOW


Move targets to separate repository

This allows the dev team to add new targets as soon as they have been tested/passed, if they don't require firmware changes to support them

Added serial protocols on receivers

#2408 Support Graupner HoTT telemetry sensors
#2631 HoTT Telemetry: robustness measure

ESP32-S3 target support

#2410 Support for ESP32-S3 targets
#2463 Get thermal info from S3 if no LM75A
#2472 Fix esp32s3 and backpack passthrough flashing settings
#2494 Allow flashing of the backpack on S3 via USB

PWM extensions

#2346 DShot output for PWM receivers
#2425 Configurable I2C pins for PWM capable (ESP32) receivers
#2535 PWM failsafe modes, like no-pulse, hold, and custom set position
#2624 WebUI: prevent multiple I2C SCL/SDA selections

OLED/TFT menu updates

#2322 Configurable OLED/TFT startup splash screen
#2432 Added switch-mode and Gemini settings

UDP/WiFi Joystick support

#2444 Adds a Joystick that sends data via UDP/WIFI

SPI VTx control

#2515 VTX SPI output calibration routine and initial PWM value config
#2583 Fixed VTX PWM array initialization for unified ESP32 targets

Better binding experience

#2542 Allow all binding methods on RX
#2523 Support CRSF bind command from BetaFlight / EdgeTX
#2424 RX remembers last packet rate on disconnect for faster connect

Support for non-EdgeTX handsets

#2528 PPM handset support
#2612 Fix TX module PPM input seeing spurious channels

Support for Semtech LR1121 dual-band radio

#2540 Gemini Xrossband (GemX) - LR1121 Driver
#2616 Adds LR1121 image calibration
#2617 Fix LR1121 binding (adds 2.4GHz binding)
#2618 Allow choosing the domain for LR1121 modules

Fix for LBT telemetry lost

#2643 LBT - Change TX modules to use RX mode with timeout

Support for BMP280/BME280 I2C barometers on receivers

#2480 Add BMP280/BME280 I2C barometer support

New Targets

With the separation of the targets from the main firmware repository we will list only those targets that are only supported from this release onwards.
Any new targets that have been added that can be supported by older firmware will just show up in Configurator.



  • Add ESP8285 900MHz TX Target #2566


  • Allow SPI VTx operation without an FC, for use with planes/cars etc that do not use a flight controller #2316
  • Display a logo on OLED/TFT boot #2322


  • Fix backpack on Gemini 900 target #2323
  • Disable MSP VTx after no comms on boot #2324
  • Bring back full 16 Channel support #2365
  • Work around hardware bug in ESP32-S3 SPI implementation for SPI connected VTx #2406
  • Add float support to Lua #2415
  • Fix Lua for SELECT types with only one value #2416
  • Various web UI fixes and improvements #2422
  • Hide lua backpack items if the backpack is disabled #2429
  • SUMD not working at packet rates above 100Hz #2478
  • Pin AsyncTCP to a specific version (The upstream released a broken version!) #2522
  • Allow screen rotation for TFT screens #2520
  • Disable processing MSP VTX commands if there is no SPI VTx #2525
  • Pick SSID with strongest RSSI in mesh networks with multiple identical SSIDs #2536
  • Allow setting the destination for CRSF MSP packets (fixes integration with rotorflight) #2550
  • Fix error when radio chip failed to read #2567
  • Update the wifi power levels #2568
  • PWM testing/fixes #2588
  • Increase SX1276 SyncPktIntervalDisconnected for 25Hz #2589
  • Add file drag-and-drop to web UI update tab #2590
  • Pass through handset channels if headtracking switch is off #2615
  • Fix "Not set" UID badge in web UI #2619
  • Fix antenna value for Diversity/Gemini receivers #2622

Known Issues

  • None

ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC2

20 Apr 05:57
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ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC2 Pre-release

Changes since RC1

  • Fixes HoTT Telemetry requiring an external diode #2658
  • Debounce BOOT0 readout in the hot loop #2633
  • Fix for TBS Tango 2 display #2661
  • Save our help-and-support bretheren #2659
  • Fix LBT TLM #2660
  • add padding to buffer #2666
  • WORD_PADDED was returning number of words not bytes #2664
  • adds previousMean() to MeanAccumulator #2663
  • S3 flash fix for binary_flasher #2665

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • This is a release candidate. We have tested it using our release test plan, but there may still be bugs. Don't flash it to anything important. We appreciate the community testing.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a feature release version (meaning it contains new features, targets and bug-fixes) and is compatible with all V3.X versions.

Who should update from V3.3?

  • Our 3 LBT users
  • PWM users
  • Anyone who is interested in the latest and greatest features listed below

Who should NOT update from V3.3?

  • No one

New Features

More detail on the below features will be added with coming RCs and the final release.

Team Race


"Match TX" telemetry power option


Added US433 domains


Sentinel antenna tracker integration via wireless telemetry over ESPNOW


Move targets to separate repository

This allows the dev team to add new targets as soon as they have been tested/passed, if they don't require firmware changes to support them

Added serial protocols on receivers

#2408 Support Graupner HoTT telemetry sensors
#2631 HoTT Telemetry: robustness measure

ESP32-S3 target support

#2410 Support for ESP32-S3 targets
#2463 Get thermal info from S3 if no LM75A
#2472 Fix esp32s3 and backpack passthrough flashing settings
#2494 Allow flashing of the backpack on S3 via USB

PWM extensions

#2346 DShot output for PWM receivers
#2425 Configurable I2C pins for PWM capable (ESP32) receivers
#2535 PWM failsafe modes, like no-pulse, hold, and custom set position
#2624 WebUI: prevent multiple I2C SCL/SDA selections

OLED/TFT menu updates

#2322 Configurable OLED/TFT startup splash screen
#2432 Added switch-mode and Gemini settings

UDP/WiFi Joystick support

#2444 Adds a Joystick that sends data via UDP/WIFI

SPI VTx control

#2515 VTX SPI output calibration routine and initial PWM value config
#2583 Fixed VTX PWM array initialization for unified ESP32 targets

Better binding experience

#2542 Allow all binding methods on RX
#2523 Support CRSF bind command from BetaFlight / EdgeTX
#2424 RX remembers last packet rate on disconnect for faster connect

Support for non-EdgeTX handsets

#2528 PPM handset support
#2612 Fix TX module PPM input seeing spurious channels

Support for Semtech LR1121 dual-band radio

#2540 Gemini Xrossband (GemX) - LR1121 Driver
#2616 Adds LR1121 image calibration
#2617 Fix LR1121 binding (adds 2.4GHz binding)
#2618 Allow choosing the domain for LR1121 modules

Fix for LBT telemetry lost

#2643 LBT - Change TX modules to use RX mode with timeout

Support for BMP280/BME280 I2C barometers on receivers

#2480 Add BMP280/BME280 I2C barometer support

New Targets

With the separation of the targets from the main firmware repository we will list only those targets that are only supported from this release onwards.
Any new targets that have been added that can be supported by older firmware will just show up in Configurator.



  • Add ESP8285 900MHz TX Target #2566


  • Allow SPI VTx operation without an FC, for use with planes/cars etc that do not use a flight controller #2316
  • Display a logo on OLED/TFT boot #2322


  • Fix backpack on Gemini 900 target #2323
  • Disable MSP VTx after no comms on boot #2324
  • Bring back full 16 Channel support #2365
  • Work around hardware bug in ESP32-S3 SPI implementation for SPI connected VTx #2406
  • Add float support to Lua #2415
  • Fix Lua for SELECT types with only one value #2416
  • Various web UI fixes and improvements #2422
  • Hide lua backpack items if the backpack is disabled #2429
  • SUMD not working at packet rates above 100Hz #2478
  • Pin AsyncTCP to a specific version (The upstream released a broken version!) #2522
  • Allow screen rotation for TFT screens #2520
  • Disable processing MSP VTX commands if there is no SPI VTx #2525
  • Pick SSID with strongest RSSI in mesh networks with multiple identical SSIDs #2536
  • Allow setting the destination for CRSF MSP packets (fixes integration with rotorflight) #2550
  • Fix error when radio chip failed to read #2567
  • Update the wifi power levels #2568
  • PWM testing/fixes #2588
  • Increase SX1276 SyncPktIntervalDisconnected for 25Hz #2589
  • Add file drag-and-drop to web UI update tab #2590
  • Pass through handset channels if headtracking switch is off #2615
  • Fix "Not set" UID badge in web UI #2619
  • Fix antenna value for Diversity/Gemini receivers #2622

Known Issues

  • None

ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC1

13 Apr 10:26
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ExpressLRS V3.4.0-RC1 Pre-release

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • This is a release candidate. We have tested it using our release test plan, but there may still be bugs. Don't flash it to anything important. We appreciate the community testing.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a feature release version (meaning it contains new features, targets and bug-fixes) and is compatible with all V3.X versions.

Who should update from V3.3?

  • Our 3 LBT users
  • Anyone who is interested in the latest and greatest features listed below

Who should NOT update from V3.3?

Our STM32 users. This includes the Happymodel ES915 TX/RX, Happymodel PP, NamimnoRC V1 Flash/Voyager TX/RX, FM30, Ghost and FrSky R9 hardware.

New Features

More detail on the below features will be added with coming RCs and the final release.

Team Race


"Match TX" telemetry power option


Added US433 domains


Sentinel antenna tracker integration via wireless telemetry over ESPNOW


Move targets to separate repository

This allows the dev team to add new targets as soon as they have been tested/passed, if they don't require firmware changes to support them

Added serial protocols on receivers

#2408 Support Graupner HoTT telemetry sensors
#2631 HoTT Telemetry: robustness measure

ESP32-S3 target support

#2410 Support for ESP32-S3 targets
#2463 Get thermal info from S3 if no LM75A
#2472 Fix esp32s3 and backpack passthrough flashing settings
#2494 Allow flashing of the backpack on S3 via USB

PWM extensions

#2346 DShot output for PWM receivers
#2425 Configurable I2C pins for PWM capable (ESP32) receivers
#2535 PWM failsafe modes, like no-pulse, hold, and custom set position
#2624 WebUI: prevent multiple I2C SCL/SDA selections

OLED/TFT menu updates

#2322 Configurable OLED/TFT startup splash screen
#2432 Added switch-mode and Gemini settings

UDP/WiFi Joystick support

#2444 Adds a Joystick that sends data via UDP/WIFI

SPI VTx control

#2515 VTX SPI output calibration routine and initial PWM value config
#2583 Fixed VTX PWM array initialization for unified ESP32 targets

Better binding experience

#2542 Allow all binding methods on RX
#2523 Support CRSF bind command from BetaFlight / EdgeTX
#2424 RX remembers last packet rate on disconnect for faster connect

Support for non-EdgeTX handsets

#2528 PPM handset support
#2612 Fix TX module PPM input seeing spurious channels

Support for Semtech LR1121 dual-band radio

#2540 Gemini Xrossband (GemX) - LR1121 Driver
#2616 Adds LR1121 image calibration
#2617 Fix LR1121 binding (adds 2.4GHz binding)
#2618 Allow choosing the domain for LR1121 modules

Fix for LBT telemetry lost

#2643 LBT - Change TX modules to use RX mode with timeout

Support for BMP280/BME280 I2C barometers on receivers

#2480 Add BMP280/BME280 I2C barometer support

New Targets

With the separation of the targets from the main firmware repository we will list only those targets that are only supported from this release onwards.
Any new targets that have been added that can be supported by older firmware will just show up in Configurator.



  • Add ESP8285 900MHz TX Target #2566


  • Allow SPI VTx operation without an FC, for use with planes/cars etc that do not use a flight controller #2316
  • Display a logo on OLED/TFT boot #2322


  • Fix backpack on Gemini 900 target #2323
  • Disable MSP VTx after no comms on boot #2324
  • Bring back full 16 Channel support #2365
  • Work around hardware bug in ESP32-S3 SPI implementation for SPI connected VTx #2406
  • Add float support to Lua #2415
  • Fix Lua for SELECT types with only one value #2416
  • Various web UI fixes and improvements #2422
  • Hide lua backpack items if the backpack is disabled #2429
  • SUMD not working at packet rates above 100Hz #2478
  • Pin AsyncTCP to a specific version (The upstream released a broken version!) #2522
  • Allow screen rotation for TFT screens #2520
  • Disable processing MSP VTX commands if there is no SPI VTx #2525
  • Pick SSID with strongest RSSI in mesh networks with multiple identical SSIDs #2536
  • Allow setting the destination for CRSF MSP packets (fixes integration with rotorflight) #2550
  • Fix error when radio chip failed to read #2567
  • Update the wifi power levels #2568
  • PWM testing/fixes #2588
  • Increase SX1276 SyncPktIntervalDisconnected for 25Hz #2589
  • Add file drag-and-drop to web UI update tab #2590
  • Pass through handset channels if headtracking switch is off #2615
  • Fix "Not set" UID badge in web UI #2619
  • Fix antenna value for Diversity/Gemini receivers #2622

Known Issues

  • Some STM32 hardware is currently not compatible with v3.4.

ExpressLRS V3.3.2

06 Jan 03:07
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Changes since 3.3.1

  • Ability to control SX12xx output power when using a DAC controlled PA (#2498)
  • Fix for 10kHz Duty-cycle not going to 0 or 100% on 8285-based PWM receivers (#2496)
  • Fix PWM channel reset on TX/RX serial port config change via LUA (#2486, #2499)
  • Fix GetLastPacketStats() and diversity packet CRC check (#2488, #2491)

New targets supported by this release

  • RadioMaster Bandit series

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a patch version release bug-fixes only (mostly) and is compatible with V3.X.

Who should update from 3.3.1 or earlier?

  • Users that are using 10kHz duty cycle output


  • The IMU has been temporarily disabled on TX modules that support it (Radiomaster Ranger, Radiomaster Bandit, Axis Thor). This has been done in order to work around a bug that has yet to be fixed, as described here: ExpressLRS/targets#30. The following features will not be available on IMU-enabled TXs until the bug has been fixed, and the IMU has been re-enabled:
  1. Bump to loan
  2. Auto-reduce RF power when inactive and disarmed
  3. Auto screen on/off

ExpressLRS V3.3.1

04 Nov 01:18
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Changes since 3.3.0

  • Renamed the BETAFPV Lite Radio 3 to BETAFPV Lite Radio 3 Pro #2319
  • Separated Happymodel EP1/EP2 targets to be more obvious #2319
  • Fixed the naming of the Ghost Atto RX target (it's not a TX!) #2319
  • Renamed Radiomaster Zorro to Radiomaster Zorro Internal #2319
  • Added missing 900MHz Happymodel EPW6 receiver #2332
  • Reduced max packet rate for external modules limited to 400kbaud UART to 333Hz (fixes Lua freezing) #2327
  • Add Radiomaster Pocket radio, an alias for the Zorro target #2342
  • Corrected receiver power for LBT firmware #2334
  • Added back the stock bootloader flashing option for STM32 targets #2354
  • Fixed the maximum output power option for Happymodel ES900TX #2359
  • Reimplemented fuzzy_snr using integer arithmetic #2378 #2379
  • Fix LBT fall back mode #2430
  • Optimize and fix broken FM30 target #2413
  • Fix LBT #2438

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a patch version release bug-fixes only (mostly) and is compatible with V3.X.

Who should update from V3.3.0?

  • LBT users
  • Users with radios that are limited to 400kbaud and Lua freezing at the loading screen

ExpressLRS V3.3.0

21 Jul 08:05
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Changes since RC2

  • Improved autobaud detection with handsets #2283
  • Don't reduce Wide switch channel bit depth when TLM is off #2282
  • Allow relay RX to accept telemetry from a TX module #2287
  • Correct RadioMaster PWM Rx VBAT scaling #2268 #2292
  • Fixes the firmware options and buzzer for STM targets #2295
  • Return wifi to R9M backpack upload methods #2299
  • Add missing isFirstRxIrq to sx127x #2301
  • Append prior target name to firmware to remove incorrect target mismatch warnings #2306
  • Jumper T-20 2400 and 900 target #2298 #2303
  • Happymodel ES900 Dual RX target #2304
  • Sub250 2400 RX target #2310

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua


This is a minor version release (new features, targets and bug-fixes only) and is compatible with V3.X.

Who should update from V3.2?

  • Anyone who likes the sounds of the hit list of features below!
  • Anyone using a radio with a color LCD should update the Lua script for speed improvements
  • Owners of the new hardware listed below

New Features

Cloud Builds

“ELRS is great, but the first-time setup was a PITA!”
This is one of the main complaints we see across the groups about ExpressLRS.

We understand the challenges faced during the initial setup process of ExpressLRS, with many users expressing their frustration. In version 3.3, we are doing something to improve this, starting with the introduction of pre-compiled builds.

While our "just-in-time" firmware compilation approach has served us well in the past, it has also caused inconvenience and frustration. Various factors, some of which were completely out of our control (e.g. updates to the Platformio framework), have resulted in failed configurator builds, leading to user dissatisfaction.

To overcome these challenges, we have made a significant change in v3.3. Instead of relying on local compilation for release versions, the configurator will now seamlessly retrieve pre-built firmware from the cloud and flash it onto your device. This shift not only drastically reduces firmware update times from minutes to seconds but also eliminates many annoying build issues, where users are faced with the dreaded red "failed build" error message in the Configurator.

Make sure you have updated to version 1.6.0 the Configurator to take advantage of this awesome new feature:


In the hobby and commercial UAV industry, securing a dependable telemetry downlink alongside RC control often presents challenges in terms of cost, availability, and reliability. While Dragonlink has been the go-to option for a reliable long-range RC + telemetry link, it can be difficult to find in stock and tends to be expensive. Other alternatives, such as the RFD900 modems, are typically limited to 900MHz and also suffer from availability and cost issues.

This is where AirPort comes to the rescue.

AirPort offers a firmware option that transforms a standard ExpressLRS transmitter and receiver pair into a bidirectional transparent serial data link over the air. This enables seamless serial data communication between the connected devices, supporting any protocol of your choice, including MAVLINK (Ardupilot), MSP (Betaflight and INAV), or any other telemetry protocol that can be transmitted serially. This feature may also be useful for interfacing wirelessly with other ground devices, such as antenna trackers or similar.

Thanks to the increasing availability of ExpressLRS hardware, AirPort makes it effortless and cost-effective to incorporate an inexpensive telemetry uplink/downlink into your UAV models.

New Receiver Protocols

In previous versions, the only receiver protocol available for connecting ELRS to your FC was CRSF. While CRSF performs admirably in most scenarios and remains the preferred option if your hardware is compatible, what if your hardware doesn't support it? Typically, this would require the use of an additional protocol converter, such as the CRSF to SBUS converter.

In this release, we are delighted to introduce not just one, but THREE new receiver protocols, along with inverted options tailored for specific hardware requirements. This expanded protocol support ensures greater flexibility and compatibility, empowering you to seamlessly integrate ELRS with a wider range of hardware options.


That’s right, you read that correctly… after all that bitching and whining from us in the past, ELRS finally added SBUS as a receiver protocol! This is particularly useful for those closed-source FCs & flight stabilizers that only allow SBUS as an input. We’ve also added an inverted version of SBUS (which is normally inverted, so technically it’s un-inverting it - insert Xzibit meme) for hardware that doesn’t have the inverter on the UART.

PWM receivers can also be configured to output serial on some pins and select serial protocol, so now you can have CRSF/SBUS etc and PWM simultaneously!


Graupner HoTT SUMD joins SBUS as another user selectable receiver protocol, which can be found in many open source flight control firmwares (BF, INAV, ARDU) as well as a variety of flybarless controllers (helis).

DJI Ronin RS Pro

The DJI RS Pro series, including the RS2 Pro and RS3 Pro gimbals, are renowned professional camera stabilizers often utilized on cinelifters for active stabilization of high-end cinema-grade cameras. While these gimbals can be controlled via an SBUS interface, DJI’s janky implementation of the protocol demands precise channel endpoints to trigger various functions, such as recentering.

To spare you the frustration of manually adjusting mixer settings as you attempt to discover the exact (and poorly documented) values expected by DJI for channel outputs, the ELRS team has introduced a dedicated version of SBUS, specifically tailored to these gimbals. This special version is preconfigured to seamlessly integrate with your RS2 Pro or RS3 Pro. For more detailed information regarding installation, please refer to the associated pull request: #2140 or check out a quick demo here:

Gemini and Diversity for 900MHz

Dry those eyes #Team900, ELRS now has True Diversity 900MHz receivers. A much sought after piece of gear that was frequently requested is now a reality. Check the new targets list for BETAFPVs Super-D, and I'm sure there will be more to follow!

But that's not all… with diversity also comes Gemini! Need a 900 Gemini Tx? Be sure to go and pester your favorite FPV manufacturer.

DVDA for 900MHz

Exciting news! #Team900 is now part of the DVDA family! With the latest release, we introduce the new D50 packet mode, leveraging the 200Hz OTA modulation parameters to transmit 4 repeat packets across 3 frequencies. This approach is identical to the functionality of D250 for the 2.4GHz frequency range.

The primary goal of the D50 packet mode is to significantly enhance Link Quality (LQ) in RF-congested environments, particularly when flying alongside other pilots operating on the same frequency domain. By providing 4 transmission attempts for each packet, distributed across multiple frequency hops, you can enjoy improved reliability and stability during flights.

Wireless head tracking

Support has been added into VRx & TX backpack as well as the main firmware to allow head tracking information to be sent wirelessly from the goggles to the TX module and then mixed into the channel output. At present, this functionality is exclusively supported by HDZero goggles, however we are optimistic that other goggle manufacturers will follow suit and incorporate compatibility with this exciting feature.

16 channel PWM Receivers

Target support has been added for 16 channel PWM receivers in both 2.4G and 900M flavors. Not only that, they are true diversity!

Any PWM channel can be set to a combination of the available PWM modes e.g. 400Hz, 10kHz PWM, On/Off switch. A single PWM channel can also be reassigned to a serial protocol (CRSF, Sbus etc). You want a FC connected plus native PWM output, you got it.

Option to disable TX backpack

We understand that not everyone requires or utilizes the TX backpack feature in their transmitter setup. While enjoying a few cold ones at the ELRS headquarters, we asked ourselves: “If you’re not using the backpack, why have it sitting there chewing power?”, so we’ve introduced a convenient option to disable the TX backpack functionality. This can save a little juice (~0.3W) on the transmitter. Zorro users rejoice!

MSP VTX support for combined RX/VTX

Proprietary VTX control protocols SUCK! That's right Smartaudio and Tramp… you guys suck. These protocols are owned by commercial manufacturers who never seem to do a good job at properly documenting the protocol specs, and have low motivation to extend their protocols for features that don’t directly interest them and their bottom lines.

MSP control for VTXs is a breath of fresh air that alleviates many of these pains, and now it’s supported in ELRS for hardware where the VTX is controlled by the same MCU as the receiver.

Gemini Antenna mode selection

Allows you to run a Gemini TX in different antenna configurations:

  • Gemini
  • Ant1
  • Ant2
  • Switch - alternating single antenna output


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ExpressLRS V3.3.0-RC2

30 Jun 10:20
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ExpressLRS V3.3.0-RC2 Pre-release

Changes since RC1

  • Don't copy the extra binaries for ESP32 #2245
  • Fix compile error with DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS #2244
  • Removing WiFi upload methods from STM targets #2253
  • Fix no backpack overwriting channels #2255
  • Fix Airport running at F1000 without a handset #2257
  • ADC attenuation for ESP32 targets #2252 #2268
  • Respect when someone declines to flash the wrong target #2267
  • Change airport packet type #2258
  • Fix LBT TLM reception bug #2271
  • More fixes for the flasher #2273
  • Speed bootup of ESP32 RXes without a vario #2274
  • RadioMaster targets ER4, ER6, ER6-G, ER6-GV, ER8, ER8-G, ER8-GV #2247
  • BETAFPV Super-P 2.4GHz and 900MHz #2251
  • GEPRC True Diversity 2.4GHz #2265
  • iFlight 2.4 & 900 V2 TX modules #2281

WARNING - RC2 contains a breaking change for Airport users. Anyone using Airport must update both TX and RX.

Getting Started 3.0 Documentation

The important stuff

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Be sure to flash both the TX and RX.
  • Lua script MUST be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Get it here: Lua


This is a minor version release (new features, targets and bug-fixes only) and is compatible with V3.X.

Who should update from V3.2?

  • Anyone who likes the sounds of the hit list of features below!
  • Anyone using a radio with a color LCD should update the Lua script for speed improvements
  • Owners of the new hardware listed below

New Features

Cloud Builds

“ELRS is great, but the first-time setup was a PITA!”
This is one of the main complaints we see across the groups about ExpressLRS.

We understand the challenges faced during the initial setup process of ExpressLRS, with many users expressing their frustration. In version 3.3, we are doing something to improve this, starting with the introduction of pre-compiled builds.

While our "just-in-time" firmware compilation approach has served us well in the past, it has also caused inconvenience and frustration. Various factors, some of which were completely out of our control (e.g. updates to the platformio framework), have resulted in failed configurator builds, leading to user dissatisfaction.

To overcome these challenges, we have made a significant change in v3.3. Instead of relying on local compilation for release versions, the configurator will now seamlessly retrieve pre-built firmware from the cloud and flash it onto your device. This shift not only drastically reduces firmware update times from minutes to seconds but also eliminates many annoying build issues, where users are faced with the dreaded red "failed build" error message in the Configurator.

Make sure you have updated to version 1.6.0-rc1 of the Configurator to take advantage of this awesome new feature:


In the hobby and commercial UAV industry, securing a dependable telemetry downlink alongside RC control often presents challenges in terms of cost, availability, and reliability. While Dragonlink has been the go-to option for a reliable long-range RC + telemetry link, it can be difficult to find in stock and tends to be expensive. Other alternatives, such as the RFD900 modems, are typically limited to 900MHz and also suffer from availability and cost issues.

This is where AirPort comes to the rescue.

AirPort offers a firmware option that transforms a standard ExpressLRS transmitter and receiver pair into a bidirectional transparent serial data link over the air. This enables seamless serial data communication between the connected devices, supporting any protocol of your choice, including MAVLINK (Ardupilot), MSP (Betaflight and INAV), or any other telemetry protocol that can be transmitted serially. This feature may also be useful for interfacing wirelessly with other ground devices, such as antenna trackers or similar.

Thanks to the increasing availability of ExpressLRS hardware, AirPort makes it effortless and cost-effective to incorporate an inexpensive telemetry uplink/downlink into your UAV models.

New Receiver Protocols

In previous versions, the only receiver protocol available for connecting ELRS to your FC was CRSF. While CRSF performs admirably in most scenarios and remains the preferred option if your hardware is compatible, what if your hardware doesn't support it? Typically, this would require the use of an additional protocol converter, such as the CRSF to SBUS converter.

In this release, we are delighted to introduce not just one, but THREE new receiver protocols, along with inverted options tailored for specific hardware requirements. This expanded protocol support ensures greater flexibility and compatibility, empowering you to seamlessly integrate ELRS with a wider range of hardware options.


That’s right, you read that correctly… after all that bitching and whining from us in the past, ELRS finally added SBUS as a receiver protocol! This is particularly useful for those closed-source FCs & flight stabilizers that only allow SBUS as an input. We’ve also added an inverted version of SBUS (which is normally inverted, so technically it’s un-inverting it - insert Xzibit meme) for hardware that doesn’t have the inverter on the UART.

PWM receivers can also be configured to output serial on some pins and select serial protocol, so now you can have CRSF/SBUS etc and PWM simultaneously!


Graupner HoTT SUMD joins SBUS as another user selectable receiver protocol, which can be found in many open source flight control firmwares (BF, INAV, ARDU) as well as a variety of flybarless controllers (helis).

DJI Ronin RS Pro

The DJI RS Pro series, including the RS2 Pro and RS3 Pro gimbals, are renowned professional camera stabilizers often utilized on cinelifters for active stabilization of high-end cinema-grade cameras. While these gimbals can be controlled via an SBUS interface, DJI’s janky implementation of the protocol demands precise channel endpoints to trigger various functions, such as recentering.

To spare you the frustration of manually adjusting mixer settings as you attempt to discover the exact (and poorly documented) values expected by DJI for channel outputs, the ELRS team has introduced a dedicated version of SBUS, specifically tailored to these gimbals. This special version is preconfigured to seamlessly integrate with your RS2 Pro or RS3 Pro. For more detailed information regarding installation, please refer to the associated pull request: #2140 or check out a quick demo here:

Gemini and Diversity for 900MHz

Dry those eyes #Team900, ELRS now has True Diversity 900MHz receivers. A much sought after piece of gear that was frequently requested is now a reality. Check the new targets list for BETAFPVs Super-D, and I'm sure there will be more to follow!

But that's not all… with diversity also comes Gemini! Need a 900 Gemini Tx? Be sure to go and pester your favorite FPV manufacturer.

DVDA for 900MHz

Exciting news! #Team900 is now part of the DVDA family! With the latest release, we introduce the new D50 packet mode, leveraging the 200Hz OTA modulation parameters to transmit 4 repeat packets across 3 frequencies. This approach is identical to the functionality of D250 for the 2.4GHz frequency range.

The primary goal of the D50 packet mode is to significantly enhance Link Quality (LQ) in RF-congested environments, particularly when flying alongside other pilots operating on the same frequency domain. By providing 4 transmission attempts for each packet, distributed across multiple frequency hops, you can enjoy improved reliability and stability during flights.

Wireless head tracking

Support has been added into VRx & TX backpack as well as the main firmware to allow head tracking information to be sent wirelessly from the goggles to the TX module and then mixed into the channel output. At present, this functionality is exclusively supported by HDZero goggles, however we are optimistic that other goggle manufacturers will follow suit and incorporate compatibility with this exciting feature.

16 channel PWM Receivers

Target support has been added for 16 channel PWM receivers in both 2.4G and 900M flavors. Not only that, they are true diversity!

Any PWM channel can be set to a combination of the available PWM modes e.g. 400Hz, 10kHz PWM, On/Off switch. A single PWM channel can also be reassigned to a serial protocol (CRSF, Sbus etc). You want a FC connected plus native PWM output, you got it.

Option to disable TX backpack

We understand that not everyone requires or utilizes the TX backpack feature in their transmitter setup. While enjoying a few cold ones at the ELRS headquarters, we asked ourselves: “If you’re not using the backpack, why have it sitting there chewing power?”, so we’ve introduced a convenient option to disable the TX backpack functionality. This can save a little juice (~0.3W) on the transmitter. Zorro users rejoice!

MSP VTX support for combined RX/VTX

Proprietary VTX control protocols SUCK! That's right Smartaudio and Tramp… you guys suck. These protocols are owned by commercial manufacturers who never seem to do a good job at properly documenting the protocol specs, and have low motivation to extend their protocols for features that don’t directly interest them and their bottom lines.

MSP control for VTXs is a breath of fresh air that alleviates many of these pains, and now it’s supported in ELRS for hardware where the VT...

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