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Version 2 has landed!

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@ExpDev07 ExpDev07 released this 18 Mar 02:43
· 407 commits to master since this release

Version 2 is now here. This adds a whole new complexity to the core and introduces a new concept behind a location (it is now more flattened: #55).

Endpoints added:

New endpoints!

Getting latest statistics

This gets the latest global statistics for confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries.

GET /v2/latest

Getting locations

This retrieves all the locations. If you see, they all have an ID attached to them.

GET /v2/locations

You can also filter the locations by a alpha2-country code (#54). For Norway:

GET /v2/locations?country_code=NO

Getting a single location which includes the timelines.

You use the ID assigned to the locations to access them alone (#42). Through this endpoint, you'll also get the timelines associated with it.

GET /v2/location/:id

E.g: For Norway:

GET /v2/location/39

All dates are using the same ISO standard now.


What happens to the old endpoints (/all, /confirmed, /deaths, and /recovered)?

They'll stay around for legacy reasons and not to break peoples' apps.