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DyDx Account Management

The open source DyDx Client libraries do not provide adequate support for the security infrastructure of institutional clients. For example, it forces you to use a plain-text ETH signing key with a deterministic signing algorithm. This is woefully inadequate for any risk-conscious user.

This library provides a simple way to manage your DyDx account with institutional-grade ETH signatures from AWS KMS.

It also provides some nice tooling for getting in and out of compatible assets for collateral deposits.


Before you can do anything, you need:

  1. ETH Wallet -- we recommend you use AWS KMS for production trading, for testing you can just use a plain text key if you wish
  2. Stark Private Key -- you need to generate some random bytes for this. For example, run: openssl rand --hex 20


You need to edit the values in to use this library.

If you have questions, reach out to [email protected].

To create and fund a new DyDx account, you must do the following:

  1. Create User (python create-user --network-id 1)
  2. Register User (python register-user --network-id 1)
  3. Make sure you have some USDC (python eth-to-usdc --amount 0.01 --network-id 1)
  4. Approve the DyDx exchange contract to take your USDC (python approve-dydx-exchange --amount 25 --network-id 1)
  5. Deposit USDC to the exchange contract (python deposit-dydx --amount 25 --network-id 1)

To confirm the transfer was successful after the fact, you can run python get-transfers --network-id 1